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4 th & 5 th Declension. What is a Declension? Latin nouns are divided into groups called declensions. There are 5 declensions. You determine the declension.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th & 5 th Declension. What is a Declension? Latin nouns are divided into groups called declensions. There are 5 declensions. You determine the declension."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th & 5 th Declension

2 What is a Declension? Latin nouns are divided into groups called declensions. There are 5 declensions. You determine the declension of a noun based on the ending of the second form in the vocab entry. The declension of a noun determines which endings can go on it.

3 Telling declensions apart Always look at the second form of a noun –1 st Declension ends with: ae –2 nd Declension ends with: ī –3 rd Declension ends with: is –4 th Declension ends with: ūs –5 th Declension ends with: ēī

4 4 th Declension The vocabulary entry for a noun gives the Nominative singular and the Genitive singular forms of a noun. By looking at the genitive form in the vocabulary entry, you can determine the declension for the noun. 4 th Declension genitive singular = ūs

5 How to Decline To decline a noun, find the noun stem by dropping the Genitive ending from the 2 nd form (in the vocabulary entry) and add the other endings for that declension. 4 th Declension Endings SingularPlural Nominativeusūs Genitiveūsuum Dativeuīibus Accusativeumūs Ablativeūibus

6 For Example portus, portūs SingularPlural Nominativeportusportūs Genitiveportūsportuum Dativeportūīportibus Accusativeportumportūs Ablativeportūportibus

7 For Example manus, manūs SingularPlural Nominativemanusmanūs Genitivemanūsmanuum Dativemanūīmanibus Accusativemanummanūs Ablativemanūmanibus

8 How to Decline To decline a noun, find the noun stem by dropping the Genitive ending from the 2 nd form (in the vocabulary entry) and add the other endings for that declension. 4 th Declension Neuter Endings SingularPlural Nominativeuūa Genitiveūsuum Dativeūibus Accusativeūūa Ablativeūibus

9 For Example cornū, cornūs SingularPlural Nominativecornūcornūa Genitivecornūscornuum Dativecornūcornibus Accusativecornūcornūa Ablativecornūcornibus

10 For Example genū, genūs SingularPlural Nominativegenūgenūa Genitivegenūsgenuum Dativegenūgenibus Accusativegenūgenūa Ablativegenūgenibus

11 How to Decline To decline a noun, find the noun stem by dropping the Genitive ending from the 2 nd form (in the vocabulary entry) and add the other endings for that declension. 5 th Declension Endings SingularPlural Nominativeēs Genitiveēīērum Dativeēīēbus Accusativeēmēs Ablativeēēbus

12 For Example rēs, rēī SingularPlural Nominativerēs Genitiverēīrērum Dativerēīrēbus Accusativeremrēs Ablativerērēbus

13 For Example diēs, diēī SingularPlural Nominativediēs Genitivediēīdiērum Dativediēīdiēbus Accusativediemdiēs Ablativediēdiēbus

14 For Example effigiēs, effigiēī SingularPlural Nominativeeffigiēs Genitiveeffigiēīeffigiērum Dativeeffigiēīeffigiēbus Accusativeeffigiemeffigiēs Ablativeeffigiēeffigiēbus

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