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Focus: Different types of cause and effect graphic organizers.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus: Different types of cause and effect graphic organizers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus: Different types of cause and effect graphic organizers

2 Traditional Cause: Effect:

3 Traditional (example) Cause: We start thinking about where we want to go for the Senior trip in November. Effect: By December we can make a plan to have in place for June.

4 Multiple Effects Cause: Effect:

5 Multiple Effects Cause: You don’t study for a test. Effect: You might toss and turn the night before. Effect: You might flunk. Effect: You might realize you know more than you thought you did.

6 Multiple Causes Cause: Effect:

7 Multiple Causes Cause: She broke her leg on a hike. Cause: She hated camp. Cause: She had bad allergies. Effect: A kid comes home early from camp. A girl comes home early from camp early because of the following events:

8 Chain Reaction Cause Cause/Effect Cause/Effect Cause/Effect Cause/Effect

9 Chain Reaction Cause: Arsons set a wildfire in California. Cause/Effect: The Santa winds cause the fires to get out of control. Cause/Effect: The fires spread quickly. Cause/Effect: Many people lost their house due to the fires. Cause/Effect: Many people are now homeless.

10 Cycle Cause/Effect

11 Cycle Cause/Effect: Water evaporates from streams, rivers, and other bodies of water. Cause/Effect: Clouds form from the water vapors that Rise, join with dust particles, and condense Cause/Effect: Water falls from the clouds as rain, snow, sleet, and hail. Cause/Effect: Streams, rivers, oceans, and other bodies of water fill with the falling water.

12 The Bombs That Ended the War

13 The Civil War (1861-1865)

14 The Nitrogen Cycle

15 Micah’s Rotten Day

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