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Advantages of using vegetable oils: Explain how plant oils are made: What are emulsions? What can plant oils be made from? Outline uses, benefits, drawbacks.

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Presentation on theme: "Advantages of using vegetable oils: Explain how plant oils are made: What are emulsions? What can plant oils be made from? Outline uses, benefits, drawbacks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advantages of using vegetable oils: Explain how plant oils are made: What are emulsions? What can plant oils be made from? Outline uses, benefits, drawbacks and risks of using emulsifiers in foods: Disadvantages of using vegetable oils: What does hydrophyllic mean? What does hydrophobic mean? Why are vegetable oils hardened? Draw a model of an emulsion using to represent an emulsifier molecule How can unsaturated oils be detected? Vegetable oils are unsaturated what does this mean? List impacts of using vegetable oils on diet and health What conditions can be used to harden vegetable oils? What are emulsions used for?

2 What processes formed the early atmosphere? What are the % of gases in today’s atmosphere? What is Wegeners theory of crustal movement? Why was the theory not generally accepted for many years? What causes convection currents? What was the early atmosphere like? Where do earthquakes and volcanoes occur? Where did the oxygen that is now in the atmosphere come from? What happened to the CO2 from the early atmosphere? What is the Miller-Urey theory for the formation of life? How is carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere? What are convection currents? What process can be used to separate gases in the air? How is this carried out?

3 Map 1 Wegener suggested his hypothesis that all of the continents, including Africa and South America, had been joined together but then drifted slowly apart. Map 2 In 1920 other scientists stated that all of the continents were in fixed positions, including Africa and South America, and that they had once been joined together by a land bridge. Evidence shows that the Earth formed from a molten ball of rocks and minerals. Before 1900 many scientists thought that the Earth’s mountains and continents formed in fixed positions when the molten ball of rocks and minerals cooled and wrinkled. (a) In 1912 Alfred Wegener suggested his hypothesis of continental drift. The areas of rocks shown on Map 1 contain fossils of the same type of animals. Today animals in Africa are different from animals in South America. (i) Use the information to suggest two pieces of evidence that may have led Wegener to propose his hypothesis that continents move..............................................................................................................................................................................................................( 2) (ii) Suggest why, in 1920, other scientists thought that Wegener’s hypothesis was wrong............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (2) ( b) In 1962 scientists produced the theory of plate tectonics. The theory of plate tectonics supported Wegener’s hypothesis that continents move. Tectonic plates move a few centimeters a year. Complete the sentences about what causes the movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates. Deep inside the Earth........................................ processes release large amounts of energy. These processes heat up the substances in the Earth’s........................................ producing convection currents. (2)(6) Give three ways that carbon dioxide can be removed from the Earth’s atmosphere.............................................................................................................................................................................................(3)

4 evaporating. The oil is obtained from crushed sunflower seeds by filtering. pressing. burn The oil does notdissolvein water. melt Carbon carbon double bonds in sunflower oil can be detected bromine. by reacting withiron. oxygen. Rapeseed oilSunflower oilOlive oilCorn oil Saturated fat (%)6.612.014.314.4 Polyunsaturated fat (%) 29.363.38.251.3 Melting point (°C)+5–18–12–15 Q1. An advert for crisps claims that they now contain only 30% saturated fat because they are cooked in sunflower oil. (a) The oil is extracted from sunflower seeds. The diagram shows how this can be done. Q2. An advert for crisps claimed that they are healthier because they are cooked in sunflower oil. (a) A student found the following information about four oils that are used to make crisps. One hypothesis is that oils are thought to be healthier if they are: low in saturated fat high in polyunsaturated fat. (i) Use the table to decide which oil should be healthiest. Explain your decision by comparing this oil with other oils from the table that you think are less healthy. Healthiest oil is........................................................................ Explanation............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................( 2) (ii) These oils can be hardened by reacting them with hydrogen. A student said that hardening would make sunflower oil healthier. Is this student ’ s claim correct? Explain your answer.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (2 ) Use this simple model to explain how the molecules in the egg yolk are able to produce a stable mixture of olive oil and water............................................................................................................................................................. (3)

5 QWC: 6 Mark questions In these questions you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate. Q1: An adult male wishes to start a more healthy lifestyle. Describe how he could become healthier. Give reasons for the steps you describe....................................................................................................................................................................................... Q2: Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of being vaccinated against a particular disease....................................................................................................................................................................................... Q3 Evaluate the use of plant hormones as weedkillers and to encourage the rooting of plant cuttings.......................................................................................................................................................................................

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