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Omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 1 OmniRAN EC SG Agenda and Meeting Slides March 2014, Beijing, China 2014-03-16 EC SG Chair Max Riegel, NSN.

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Presentation on theme: "Omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 1 OmniRAN EC SG Agenda and Meeting Slides March 2014, Beijing, China 2014-03-16 EC SG Chair Max Riegel, NSN."— Presentation transcript:

1 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 1 OmniRAN EC SG Agenda and Meeting Slides March 2014, Beijing, China 2014-03-16 EC SG Chair Max Riegel, NSN

2 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 2 Meetings Tuesday, Mar 18 st, 09:00 – 10:00 Tuesday, Mar 18 st, 10:30 – 12:30 Thursday, Mar 20 th,08:00 – 10:00 –Wireless SDN BoF Thursday, Mar 20 th, 10:30 – 12:30 Meeting Room: Function Room 5

3 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 3 Mar 2014 Remote Participation Teleconference: –Dial-in information for all meetings: Conference Code: 433 819 2102 Call-in number: 1-(972) 445 9673 (US) Show global numbers: WebEx: –Tue, 2014-03-18 09:00-10:00 Beijing, China / Mon, 2014-03-17 09:00 - 10:00 PM ET Meeting Number: 709 002 318, Meeting Password: OmniRAN Go to –Tue, 2014-03-18 10:30-12:30 Beijing, China / Mon, 2014-03-17 10:30PM - 12:30AM ET Meeting Number: 704 175 522, Meeting Password: OmniRAN Go to –Thu, 2014-03-20 08:00-10:00 Beijing, China / Wed, 2014-03-19 08:00 - 10:00 PM ET Meeting Number: 703 027 008, Meeting Password: OmniRAN Go to –Thu, 2014-03-20 10:30-12:30 Beijing, China / Wed, 2014-03-19 10:30PM - 12:30AM ET Meeting Number: 700 607 134, Meeting Password: OmniRAN Go to

4 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 4 Agenda Proposal for March 2014 Session Approval of minutes Reports Example contributions to the intended specification Outline of the intended specification Organization of the work –Cooperation with the other IEEE 802 WGs Operation within IEEE 802.1 Location of May 2014 session Conference calls until May 2014 session Motion to extend the ECSG until July 2014 Liaison report to IEEE 802 WGs AOB

5 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 5 Guidelines for IEEE-SA Meetings  All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws.  Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims.  Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions.  Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings.  Technical considerations remain primary focus  Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets.  Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation.  Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. This slide set is available at

6 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 6 Resources – URLs Link to IEEE Disclosure of Affiliation – Links to IEEE Antitrust Guidelines – guidelines.pdf guidelines.pdf Link to IEEE Code of Ethics – _ethics.html _ethics.html Link to IEEE Patent Policy – slideset.ppt slideset.ppt

7 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 7 Meeting Etiquette IEEE 802 is a world-wide professional technical organization Meetings are to be conducted in an orderly and professional manner in accordance with the policies and procedures governed by the organization. Individuals are to address the “technical” content of the subject under consideration and refrain from making “personal” comments to or about the presenter.

8 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 8 LMSC Operations Manual 4.3 Study groups 4.3.1 Study group operation Progress of each Study Group shall be presented at the closing Sponsor meeting of each IEEE 802 LMSC plenary session by the appropriate WG, TAG, or ECSG Chair. Study Groups may elect officers other than the Chair, if necessary, and will follow the general operating procedures for WGs specified in the IEEE 802 LMSC WG P&P. Because of the limited time duration of a Study Group, no letter ballots are permitted. 4.3.2 Voting at study group meetings Any person attending a Study Group meeting may vote on all motions (including recommending approval of a PAR). A vote is carried by 75% of those present and voting “Approve” or “Disapprove.”

9 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 9 OmniRAN ECSG Resources Website: Document Archive on mentor: Email reflector: Email archive: Attendance: Paper list (normative) + IMAT –IMAT mandatory for participants seeking attendence credits –Reciprocal rights for most WGs

10 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 10 Agenda for March 2014 Session Approval of minutes Reports Example contributions to the intended specification Outline of the intended specification Organization of the work –Cooperation with the other IEEE 802 WGs Operation within IEEE 802.1 Location of May 2014 session Conference calls until May 2014 session Motion to extend the ECSG until July 2014 Liaison report to IEEE 802 WGs AOB

11 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 11 Mar 2014 Agenda Graphics Mon 3/17Tue 3/18Wed 3/19Thu 3/20Fri 3/21 08:00 10:00 EC Opening Plenary802.11 ARCWireless SDN BoF OmniRAN Opening Meeting 10:30 12:30 802.11/802.15 Mid-week Plenaries OmniRAN Closing Meeting 802.1 Opening Plenary EC Closing Plenary 13:30 15:30 802.1 Closing Plenary 16:00 18:00

12 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 12 Business #1 Call Meeting to Order Attendance recording –Attendance recording done by paper sheet IMAT attendance recording for the purpose to gain attendance credit in the home WG Secretary position –Nobody volunteered; remains open –Juan Carlos volunteered to create minutes Approval of agenda –See slide 10 –Opening, technical topics on Tue, SDN in SDN BoF, project organization and motions on Thur AM2 –Agenda proposal was approved without modifications. Approval of minutes – teleconference-of-2014-02-26.docx teleconference-of-2014-02-26.docx –Minutes approved without comments brought up. Reports –Chair reported about short presentation and discussion in IEEE 802.1 on Monday morning. – report.pptx report.pptx Essential slides of the presenation contained in this slide deck on the following 2 pages –Discussion concluded that a motion should be brought up in the closing 802.1 plenary on Thursday to establish OmniRAN P802.1CF as a task group in IEEE 802.1.

13 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 13 OmniRAN EC SG Status and Outlook OmniRAN PAR proposal on IEEE 802.1CF Recommended Practice: ‘Network Reference Model and Functional Description of IEEE 802 Access Network’ was approved by IEEE 802 EC on November 15 th, 2013 – ecsg-approved-par-clean.pdf ecsg-approved-par-clean.pdf The PAR is on the NesCom agenda for approval on March 26 th, 2014 –IEEE 802.1CF project starts after NesCom approval OmniRAN EC SG was extended in November 2013 until March 2014 to take care of the PAR approval by NesCom. OmniRAN EC SG will ask for another extension in the EC closing plenary, just for the case that NesCom asks for additional input. –BTW: A Study Group is disbanded upon approval of the PAR by the IEEE-SA Standards Board.

14 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 14 OmniRAN after the approval of the P802.1CF PAR The Executive Committee Study Group is disbanded by the NesCom approval of the PAR. The OmniRAN group of people likes to avoid ‘hibernation’ between March 26 and the July 2014 IEEE 802 plenary and seeks to continue the work on the following topics: –Network Detection and Selection Discussions with 802.1 Sec TG, 802.3, 802.11 and 802.15 –Point-to-point links across bridged infrastructures P802.1AEcg: Ethernet Data Encryption devices (Mick Seaman) Using PBB-TE (with and without MiM) w/ OpenFlow or SNMP for control (Paul Bottorff) –Scope of specification work on SDN in P802.1CF How to enable continuation of the work in IEEE 802.1? –Can the chair of 802.1 establish the P802.1CF project and appoint an interim chair, when the PAR is approved? –Should we come up with some motion in the 802.1 closing plenary on Thursday?

15 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 15 Business #2 Example contributions to the intended specification – –Slides should make explicit reference to 802.19.1 –First showing functions in legacy environment, SDN scenarios added after –Only functions to be shown which are available by existing IEEE 802 standards Gaps may be indicated only for informational purposes – detection-selection-and-point-to-point-link-text.pdf detection-selection-and-point-to-point-link-text.pdf –Format of the document is inappropriate for an individual contribution –Word template with formatting according to the IEEE specification formatting required Should show usual individual contribution disclaimer sheet as first page –Only own content to be resubmitted in new template as.docx file to allow reuse –Proposed text is not complete yet. Specification to be focused on Layer 2 connectivity between terminal/station and DL SAP at the first hop router. Outline of the intended specification – update.pptx update.pptx –Proposals require further discussions –Introducing Reference Points as separate sections seems to be redundant as already contained in network reference model –Grouping of functions discussed but no final agreement reached –Consensus on the need for further discussions. Agreement on ToC is not yet reached.

16 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 16 Business #3 Organization of the work –Cooperation with the other IEEE 802 WGs –Chair reported about presentation to 802.11 ARC on Tue 0800- 0900 omniran-cross-wg-cooperation-example-nds.pptx omniran-cross-wg-cooperation-example-nds.pptx Discussion in 802.11 brought up a couple of technical issues –necessity of exposing ANI –Support of multilink operation (terminals with multiple IEEE 802 interfaces) Demand for support by 802.11 subject matter experts received, but ARC requires more detailed input for coming to a conclusion Operation within IEEE 802.1 – ecsg-omniran-ecsg-proposals-towards-ieee-802-1.pptx ecsg-omniran-ecsg-proposals-towards-ieee-802-1.pptx Location of May 2014 session Conference calls until May 2014 session

17 omniran-14-0022-01-ecsg 17 Business #4 Motion to extend the ECSG until July 2014 – an-14-0028-00-ecsg-mar-2014-ec-closing- motion.pptx an-14-0028-00-ecsg-mar-2014-ec-closing- motion.pptx Liaison report to IEEE 802 WGs AOB

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