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The Writing Process Argumentative Essay. Are single-gender classes better for students? YesNo.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process Argumentative Essay. Are single-gender classes better for students? YesNo."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Process Argumentative Essay

2 Are single-gender classes better for students? YesNo

3 PAT the Prompt Purpose: Audience: Task: To argue that single-gender classrooms are better for students. Teacher; informed; has an opinion To write a 5-paragraph, argumentative essay

4 Select your THREE best claims that SUPPORT your stance and ONE that DOES NOT SUPPORT your stance. First claim Counterclaim Third claim Second claim Rebuttal Helps students improve test scores Helps remove gender stereotypes Helps students gain confidence

5 Hook Background/ Information about topic Thesis 1 2 3 Being in a mixed-gender classroom is like trying to play a board game with too many rules and extra pieces. Many factors influence the effectiveness of a classroom, including the gender of the students. People have argued for years over the idea of separating students by gender in the classroom. Some research shows students in single-gendered classrooms actually improve behaviorally and academically and new evidence exists to show that single- gender classrooms are ultimately better for students. Single-gender classrooms help students perform better on tests, remove gender stereotypes, and have more self- confidence.

6 Power Words It would be a big mistake to… That idea/thinking is bad because… This is a good concept/idea because… There is a lot of evidence to show… It is very clear that… The expert said… What is another way to say “single-gender classroom?” Directions: Below are stems you can use in an argumentative paper. Remember that in this paper you are arguing a point, so you want your words to be POWERUL. To practice better word choice, replace the underlined word with a POWER WORD.

7 Support and Elaboration A: Cell phones should be banned from schools because they distract students from learning. C: According to Armstrong Williams, author of “Classrooms Are No Place for Cell Phones,” students use their cell phones to “send text messages during class and browse the internet without restrictions.” E: Explanation: Literal Description: Compare/Contrast: Cause/Effect Directions: Find your support and elaboration notes. Read the claim and the evidence below, then support the quote using each of the strategies listed.

8 Transition Single-gender classes help students perform better on tests. In an article comparing single and multi-gender classrooms, the author says, “Kids in single-gender classes outscored their co-ed counterparts on standardized tests” (Jerome 1). This illustrates the point that separating boys and girls actually helps them academically. The classroom structure allows them to focus on the lessons and activities with less distractions, which then causes them to get higher scores. To begin,

9 Transition A: Single-gender classes help remove stereotypes based on gender. C: According to a report, “Girls are more likely to study computer science and physics: boys are more likely to study art and drama” (Jerome 1). Additionally, A: Some experts argue that boys and girls need to learn from each other and separating them may limit opportunities. *This is called a rebuttal THEN I weaken it First I give the counter claim E: Compared to multi-gender classrooms that tend to categorize girls and boys, these single- gender classrooms allow them to branch out. This clearly shows how stereotypes simply cannot exist in classrooms where only one gender is represented. C: An article in the journal Science explains, “there are obviously biological differences between boys and girls, but they simply don’t translate into the need for separate classrooms” (Sherwin 22). E: On the other hand, single-gender classes actually create more opportunities for boys and girls to choose subjects they like. Obviously the single-gender environment allows students to grow beyond prejudice and, as a result, develop their interests.

10 Transition A: Answer the prompt (write your topic sentence) C: Introduce the text, then cite it properly Transition E: Elaborate on the quote using TWO elaboration strategies *Explain what the quote means, write it in your own words, explain how is supports your claim, etc.* *This paragraph will be written like the first one (no counter claim)*

11 Refer to the prompt Remind the reader of the three topics Make connections Consequently, offering more single-gender classes would create a wonderful opportunity for students. The research clearly shows that student’s grades improve when gender-related distractions are removed. Requiring students to learn in single-gender classrooms helps them grow beyond the long-standing prejudices about girls and boys. Teachers, parents, and students notice the way these classrooms boost confidence and self-esteem. It is obvious that a single-gender classroom not only allows students to “play the game” more effectively; it provides a way for them to win.

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