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Faros University ME 253 Fluid Mechanics II

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1 Faros University ME 253 Fluid Mechanics II
Fluid Kinematics Dr. A. Shibl Text Book: Frank White “ Fluid Mechanics”

2 Flow Classification Real (Viscous) or Ideal (Inviscid) Flow
Compressible or Incompressible Flow Turbulent or Laminar Flow Unsteady or Steady Flow 3, 2, or 1 dimensional Flow Rotational or Iroratational Flow

3 Fluid Kinematics: Introduction
Fluids subject to shear, flow Fluids subject to pressure imbalance, flow Kinematics : Description of Fluid motion. Visualization.

4 Fluid Motion Two ways to describe fluid motion Lagrangian Eularian
Follow particles around Eularian Watch fluid pass by a point or an entire region Flow pattern Streamlines – velocity is tangent to them

Steady flow: the flow in which conditions at any point do not change with time is called steady flow. Unsteady flow: the flow in which conditions at any point change with time, is called unsteady flow.

The flow in which the conditions at all points are the same at the same instant is uniform flow. The flow in which the conditions navy from point to point at the same instant is non-uniform flow.

7 Velocity Field Velocity, acceleration, and pressure of these particles at a given time are:

8 Velocity Field: Eulerian and Lagrangian
Eulerian: the fluid motion is given by completely describing properties as a function of space and time. We obtain information about the flow by noting what happens at fixed points. Lagrangian: following individual fluid particles as they move about and determining how the fluid properties of these particles change as a function of time. Measurement of Temperature Eulerian Lagrangian Eulerian methods are commonly used in fluid experiments or analysis—a probe placed in a flow. Lagrangian methods can also be used if we “tag” fluid particles in a flow.

9 Velocity Field: 1D, 2D, and 3D Flows
Three-Dimensional Flow: All three velocity components are important and of equal magnitude. Flow past a wing is 3D flow Two-Dimensional Flow: If one of the velocity components is small relative to the other two, thus it is reasonable to assume 2D flow. One-Dimensional Flow: If two of the velocity components may be small relative to the other one, thus it is reasonable to assume 1D flow. Steady Flow: The velocity at a given point in space does not vary with time.

10 Velocity Field: Streamlines
Streamline: the line that is everywhere tangent to the velocity field. Analytically, for 2D flows, integrate the equations defining lines tangent to the velocity field:

11 ACCELERATION Acceleration = rate of change of velocity Components:
Normal – changing direction Tangential – changing speed

12 Acceleration Field Lagrangian Frame:
Eulerian Frame: we describe the acceleration in terms of position and time without following an individual particle. A fluid particle can accelerate due to a change in velocity in time (“unsteady”) or in space (moving to a place with a greater velocity).

13 Acceleration Field We note: Then, substituting:
time dependence spatial dependence We note: Then, substituting: The above is good for any fluid particle, so we drop “A”:

14 Acceleration Field Writing out these terms in vector components:
x-direction: y-direction: z-direction: Writing these results in “short-hand”: where, ,

15 Acceleration Field: Unsteady Effects
Consider flow in a constant diameter pipe, where the flow is assumed to be spatially uniform:

16 Acceleration Field: Convective Effects
The portion of the material derivative represented by the spatial derivatives is termed the convective term or convective accleration: It represents the fact the flow property associated with a fluid particle may vary due to the motion of the particle from one point in space to another. Convective effects may exist whether the flow is steady or unsteady. Example 1: Example 2: Acceleration = Deceleration

17 ACCELERATION Cartesian coordinates
In steady flow ∂u/∂t = 0 , local acceleration is zero. In unsteady flow ∂u/∂t ≠ 0 ; local acceleration Occurs. Other terms u ∂u/∂x, v ∂u/∂y,.. are called convective accelerations. Convective acceleration Occurs when the velocity varies with position. Uniform flow: convective acceleration = 0 Non-uniform flow: convective acceleration ≠0 Convective Local

18 Example

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