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International Civil Aviation Organization Role of RSOOs in relation to new ICAO Strategies and Programmes Mikołaj Ratajczyk Permanent Representation of.

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Presentation on theme: "International Civil Aviation Organization Role of RSOOs in relation to new ICAO Strategies and Programmes Mikołaj Ratajczyk Permanent Representation of."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Civil Aviation Organization Role of RSOOs in relation to new ICAO Strategies and Programmes Mikołaj Ratajczyk Permanent Representation of Poland to the European Union ICAO Symposium on Regional Safety Oversight Organisations Montréal, 26 - 28 October 2011

2 2 Role of RSOOs in relation to new ICAO strategies and programmes ICAO Symposium on Regional Safety Oversight Organization, Montréal, 26 - 28 October 2011 The involvement of RSOOs in the implementation of Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP); The role of RSOOs in the transition to integrated safety management

3 3 Features and Evolution of Regional Safety Oversight Organisations (RSOO) ICAO Symposium on Regional Safety Oversight Organization, Montréal, 26 - 28 October 2011 RSOOs in the implementation of GASP  2010 HLSC: additional efforts needed to meet GASP targets promoting regional cooperation as a way forward;  Good coordination needed between initiatives existing in parallel at regional level;  EU efforts to streamline governance at the regional level in Europe;  At global level need to define interactions between RSOOs and RASG (avoid duplication of work);

4 4 Features and Evolution of Regional Safety Oversight Organisations (RSOO) ICAO Symposium on Regional Safety Oversight Organization, Montréal, 26 - 28 October 2011 RSOOs in the transition to safety management environment  Challenges: all States benefiting from the transition (avoid a „safety gap” between the States widening);  Transition equally or even more challenging than implementation of the ‘8 Critical Elements’;  RSOOs to help States to resolve deficiencies and build a solid foundation for the transition;  Regional approaches to be consistently reflected in ICAO polices and regulatory material (e.g. new Annex);  Safety and information sharing initiatives – RSOOs need to play their role;

5 5 Features and Evolution of Regional Safety Oversight Organisations (RSOO) ICAO Symposium on Regional Safety Oversight Organization, Montréal, 26 - 28 October 2011 Conclusions  RSOOs are here to stay, and will continue to grow;  Need to have their place in ICAO programmes and strategies;  Need for a clear view on the relationship between RASGs and RSOOs (synergies while avoiding duplication of work);  RSOOs to help States in resolving safety deficiencies and build foundations for transition to safety management environment: all States to benefit from the transition;

6 International Civil Aviation Organization Thank you for your attention Contact: Mikołaj Ratajczyk Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU tel. (32) 2 7804 498 E-mail:

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