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American National Security Policy After September 11 James W. Peterson.

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Presentation on theme: "American National Security Policy After September 11 James W. Peterson."— Presentation transcript:

1 American National Security Policy After September 11 James W. Peterson

2 Overview Critical Security Areas Cold War post-Cold War post-September 11

3 Three Critical Areas Objectives Something striven for; a goal. Bureaucracies Government institutions/agencies Policy A course of action

4 Cold War Objective Containment Bureaucracies Creation of CIA, NSC, USAF Policy Truman Doctrine Preserve non-communist governments, protect Western Europe against communism

5 post-Cold War Objectives New World Order American hegemony Engagement and Enlargement Bureaucracies CIA, NSC refocused Counter-narcotics, counter-intelligence, technology advancement, counter- nuclear proliferation Policy Nuclear proliferation Control “rogue states” Aide developing democracies

6 post-9/11 Objectives Counter/anti- terrorism & the eventual eradication of terrorism Linked with human rights, and containment of “nuclear” rogue states Bureaucracies Creation of Department of Homeland Security Creation of Transportation Security Administration Federalization of airport security Policy Coordination of FBI, CIA, and NSA Airport Security Border Security Watch the people coming into the country more closely

7 Summary Critical Security Areas Cold War post-Cold War post-September 11 Questions?

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