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Emerging Voices: Breaking the Silence. ASPIRE The first pan-Asian undocumented youth group to organize for immigrant rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Emerging Voices: Breaking the Silence. ASPIRE The first pan-Asian undocumented youth group to organize for immigrant rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emerging Voices: Breaking the Silence

2 ASPIRE The first pan-Asian undocumented youth group to organize for immigrant rights

3 Our Families Matter

4 Standing up

5 Speaking up

6 APIs are the fastest growing immigrant group in US

7 Why is it hard for API undocumented youth to come out of the shadows?

8 Stigma within community

9 Isolation Many API undocumented youths experience isolation because their voices are not heard.

10 Model Minority Myth VS

11 Racialization of Immigration

12 There is no easy way to identify an API as undocumented

13 What can educators do? Be aware that API undocumented youth exist Utilize resources available to undocumented youth Show support for immigrant rights Language inclusivity

14 From our membership Emphasize that immigration status should not be a deterrent Be aware of groups organizing and provide support for undocumented youth One on One (*with caution)

15 Refer them to us :)

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