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Taxonomy. Taxonomy is the science of classification.

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1 Taxonomy

2 Taxonomy is the science of classification

3 A Taxonomist is a scientist who classifies living things.

4 Brief History of Taxonomy It was the seventeenth century when scientists began to classify organisms like we do today.It was the seventeenth century when scientists began to classify organisms like we do today. Biologists began to classify organisms according to similarities in FORM and STRUCTUREBiologists began to classify organisms according to similarities in FORM and STRUCTURE Examining animals both INTERNALLY (inside) and EXTERNALLY (outside)Examining animals both INTERNALLY (inside) and EXTERNALLY (outside)

5 More brief history… Carolus Linnaeus came up with the scheme we use todayCarolus Linnaeus came up with the scheme we use today He named organisms based on their genus and species namesHe named organisms based on their genus and species names We call this binomial nomenclatureWe call this binomial nomenclature

6 leading to the classification future Today we use similarities in: –Cell and body structure (how the cells and body look) –The way organisms develop –The way organisms behave (including how they get food) To classify organisms (living things) into groups

7 We classify organisms into 7 major groups: Kingdom LARGESTKingdom LARGEST PhylumPhylum ClassClass OrderOrder FamilyFamily GenusGenus SpeciessmallestSpecies smallest

8 5-kingdom system Moneran Protists (Protista) Fungi Plants (plantae) Animals (animalia) Linnaeus only classified plants and animals! Look how far we have come!

9 Kingdom Monera Unicellular (one celled)Unicellular (one celled) Prokaryotic (no true nucleus - does not have membrane around nucleus)Prokaryotic (no true nucleus - does not have membrane around nucleus) Some make their own food (photosynthesis) others do notSome make their own food (photosynthesis) others do not Asexual reproduction - Reproduce by fission (one organism divides into two)Asexual reproduction - Reproduce by fission (one organism divides into two)

10 Examples of Monera

11 Kingdom Protista UnicellularUnicellular Eukaryotic (have a true nucleus)Eukaryotic (have a true nucleus) Some make their own food (autotrophs) (photosynthesis), others do not (heterotrophs)Some make their own food (autotrophs) (photosynthesis), others do not (heterotrophs) Asexual reproductionAsexual reproduction

12 Examples of Protists

13 Fungi Kingdom Multicellular (many celled) and unicellular (one celled)Multicellular (many celled) and unicellular (one celled) Eukaryotic (true nucleus)Eukaryotic (true nucleus) Heterotrophs onlyHeterotrophs only Some reproduce sexually while others reproduce asexuallySome reproduce sexually while others reproduce asexually

14 Examples of fungi

15 Plant Kingdom (plantae) MulticellularMulticellular EukaryoticEukaryotic AutotrophsAutotrophs Reproduce sexuallyReproduce sexually Cannot move from place to place (stationary)Cannot move from place to place (stationary)

16 Examples of plants

17 Animal Kingdom (animalia) MulticellularMulticellular EukaryoticEukaryotic HeterotrophsHeterotrophs Reproduce sexuallyReproduce sexually Are able to move from place to place (mobile)Are able to move from place to place (mobile)

18 Examples of animals

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