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HOMEROOM01/30/15 Write these important dates in your agenda: Friday 01/30 – Progress Reports Floyd Spirit Wear Day Wednesday 02/04 – Panther Paw Store.

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Presentation on theme: "HOMEROOM01/30/15 Write these important dates in your agenda: Friday 01/30 – Progress Reports Floyd Spirit Wear Day Wednesday 02/04 – Panther Paw Store."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOMEROOM01/30/15 Write these important dates in your agenda: Friday 01/30 – Progress Reports Floyd Spirit Wear Day Wednesday 02/04 – Panther Paw Store Open Friday 02/13 – Valentine’s Day Dance

2 E.L.T. 01//15 Warm Up: ”Detective’s Downtime Dilemma” Using an Index Work Session: ”Wanted” Logical Thinking Closing: “Nosing Around in History” Using a Timeline

3 LANGUAGE ARTS – WARM UP 01/29/15 Green Teams.  Sit in your Green Teams.  Warm Up – Journal Turn in your homework packet.  Respond to and explain the meaning of this quote from chapter 15:  “What are you doing in the woods, anyway? You’re making me late.” Hint: Who said this? Who did they say it to? Was this an honest statement? What were they pretending to do?

4 01/29/15 Essential Question: How do authors convey mood? Standards: RL.6.6 – Acquire and accurately use grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

5 LANGUAGE ARTS – WORK SESSION 01/29/15 “Number the Stars” Read Chapter 16 (p. 120)

6 LANGUAGE ARTS – WORK SESSION 01/29/15 Mood Murals – Due Tomorrow Divide your poster into FIVE sections, as shown below: For each set of chapters, draw a mural that depicts the mood of that section. Caption each picture with a quote! Ch. 1-4 Ch. 5-8 Ch. 9-12 Ch. 16 & 17 Ch. 13-15

7 LANGUAGE ARTS – CLOSING SESSION 01/29/15 T.O.T.D. (Ticket Out The Door) On the back of your journal, answer the following question: Based on your mural so far, how has the mood of the story changed over the course of the novel?

8 01/29/15 Closing Session  Homework:  Homework packet – Due today  Vocabulary Quiz – Tomorrow!  Plus, your vocabulary flipbook is due tomorrow!  Add to your Reading Record (extra credit)  Each entry needs parental initials!

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