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Published byCory Hoover Modified over 9 years ago
31 October 2007CARE'071 Preparation of FP7 Integration Activity Bid (2008) Superconducting RF Acceleration Systems (SRF-AS) Preparatory Group: Olivier Brunner (CERN), Mariusz Grecki (Polish Universities), Susanna Guidicci (INFN ), Peter MacIntosh (STFC), Trevor Linnecar (CERN), Olivier Napoly (CEA), Carlo Pagani (INFN), Vittorio Palladino (INFN), Dieter Proch (DESY), François Richard (IN2P3), Thomas Schilcher (PSI ), Alessandro Variola (IN2P3), Rebecca Seviour (STFC) + J. Knobloch (BESSY), P. Michelato (INFN), J. Teichert (FZR) Advisory Board : Terry Garvey (ex. IN2P3, PSI)
31 October 2007CARE'072 Major Milestones and Boundary Conditions: Plenary meetings of the SRF-AS Working Group : 19 December 2006 14 May 2007 + series of local meetings (CERN, DESY, Daresbury, Warsaw, Orsay, BESSY) June 2007 : Official start of the XFEL project with contributions from DESY, Italy, Switzerland and France to the 17.5 GeV SC Linac. June 2007 : Approval of the CERN White Paper including SC-RF in the “4th Theme” (funding >= 2010) July 2007 : Approval of the “ILC Hi-Grade” CNI PP @ 5.0 M€
31 October 2007CARE'073 Consequences on the Objectives of SRF-AS: two Main Priorities: 1. SCRF Infrastructures 2. Cavities beyond ILC Baseline, to reach two Additional Priorities: 1. Include a Beam Experimental Program 2. Include Medium Labs, Universities, and Polish Labs Remark: SPL cavities in the scope of “HE-HI-Protons” Working Group
31 October 2007CARE'074 Major Existing Facilities DESY : FLASH Linac and TTF RF Infrastructure (CHECHIA, Clean Rooms, EP, …). CERN : SC RF Infrastructure (SM18), LHC Injectors, REX-Isolde Orsay-Saclay : SupraTech RF infrastructure (1.3 GHz + 700 MHz, CryHoLab, Coupler) Cockcroft Institute : Daresbury RF Infrastructure (ERLP 4GLS) Rossendorf FZD : ELBE Linac and SC-RF Gun (1.3 GHz) BESSY : 1.3 GHz RF (HoBiCat) TU Darmstadt : DALINAC (3 GHz)
31 October 2007CARE'075 Main Assumptions for the “Core” and “Additional Activities” Only direct costs : Manpower (70 k€/y) + Material + Travel. Overheads will be counted later. The EU request is 1/3 of the direct cost for every participant. (while the EC rule for RTD activities is maximum 75% of the total cost including overheads)
31 October 2007CARE'076 Proposal for a JRA Structure for a Superconducting RF Acceleration Systems (SRFAS) Integrated Activity including all the Letters of Intend: JRA1 : High Gradient Cavities (Dieter Proch) JRA2 : Cavity Prototypes (Peter McIntosh, Matteo Pasini, Jacek Sekutowicz) JRA3 : Thin Films (Bernard Visentin) JRA4 : Accelerator and Beam Studies (Roger Jones, Mariusz Grecki, Jochen Teichert) JRA5 : RF Test Infrastructures (Wolfgang Weingarten) OMIA Speakers : Green : describe (defend) their proposal Purple : review (evaluate) the proposals
31 October 2007CARE'077 Proposal for a JRA Structure for Superconducting RF Acceleration Systems (SRF-AS) merged into a single Integrated Activity : JRA : “SRF Too” WP1 : SC Cavities WP2 : Accelerator and Beam Studies WP3 : RF Test Infrastructures as presented at the ESGARD Meeting with the Lab Directors on October 15, 2007 with the aim to negociate ~5 M€ out of the 8 M€ of additional activities
31 October 2007CARE'078 Proposal for Core Activities (15 M€)Core
31 October 2007CARE'079 Proposal for Core Activities Breakdown of the 14.976 M€, total direct costs
31 October 2007CARE'0710 Proposal for Additional Activities (8 M€) 1st Priority
31 October 2007CARE'0711 Proposal for Additional Activities Breakdown of the 8.004 M€, total direct cost
31 October 2007CARE'0712 Activities Left Out : 10.9 M€
31 October 2007CARE'0713 Proposal for Thin Films Activities About 1.5 M€ is saved for Thin Film Activities (i.e. 0.5 M€ from EU) to serve a large community of interested laboratories. But the Proposals from CERN, IPJ, Roma2, Roma3, DESY, LNL and need to be re-organized around the following principles: 1.There are 2 rock-solid users for Thin Film Cavities : a) LHC Ring for 400 MHz elliptical cavities b) Rex-Isolde for 101 MHz Quarter-wave cavities both using the Nb/Cu magnetron sputtering technique. 2. There are proposals for alternative, not yet proven, Nb/Cu coating techniques: a) arc coating (cf. CARE/SRF), successful for Pb/Nb photocathode b) “enhanced” magnetron sputtering c) atomic layer deposition 3. There are proposals to coat new materials, e.g. A15 High Tc superconductors to increase E peak and Q0 4. There is a rich network of coating, characterization and RF test facilities across Europe I have invited Mats Lindroos (CERN) to build a new proposal along these principles
31 October 2007CARE'0714 Proposal for SCRF Gun Beam Tests at ELBE FZD at Rossendorf is offering to use their ELBE linac beam time, including the SCRF Gun (CARE/PHIN) and Beam Line diagnostics, to develop new SCRF Gun concepts: 1.Polarized electron gun 2.Emittance compensation methods 3.SCRF Gun experiments for a Total Cost of 630 k€ Items removed: 4.LASER pulse shaping 5.New large grain RF cavity
31 October 2007CARE'0715 Proposal for Network of RF Test Infrastructures Total 6 289 k€ Generic 3301 k€ 352 MHz 84 k€ 400 MHz Thin Films 135 k€ 704 MHz 1859 k€ 1.3 GHz 910 k€ CERN 4013 k€ 1935 k€84 k€135 k€1859 k€- SupraTech LAL Orsay 775 k€ 415 k€---360 k€ SupraTech IPN Orsay 668 k€ ---- SupraTech Saclay 833 k€ 283 k€---550 k€
31 October 2007CARE'0716 Revised Proposal for a JRA Structure for Superconducting RF Acceleration Systems (SRF-AS) merged into a single Integrated Activity : JRA : “SRF Too” WP1 : SC Cavities WP2 : Accelerator and Beam Studies WP3 : RF Test Infrastructures as presented at the CARE’07 Meeting on Oct. 31, 2007
31 October 2007CARE'0717 Proposal for SRF2 Activities (14.8 M€)SRF2 521 k€ withdrawn 109 k€ withdrawn
31 October 2007CARE'0718 Proposal for Core Activities Breakdown of the 14.795 M€, total direct costs
31 October 2007CARE'0719 Proposal for Networking Activities Networking Activities on “RF Design and Technology” : 1. LLRF Activities (DESY, CERN, Cockroft, Lodz- Warsaw- Krakow Universities, PSI, IN2P3, CEA ? …) 2. High Power L-Band Klystron (CERN, CEA, IN2P3, Thales ED, DESY ?, …) 3. RF Power Distribution (CERN, …) 4. RF Cavity Design ( …) with the aim of sharing general knowledge: new techniques, advances, defining EU standards, hardware and software developments, etc…
31 October 2007CARE'0720 Proposal for a Trans National Access FLASH-TTF with a budget < 500 k€ with the aim to provide travel expenses for Visitors to run experiments at FLASH (DESY) and/or to test cavities in TTF RF Infrastructure. Withdrawn by DESY : too much organisation and paper work for a small benefit.
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