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Ada, Scheme, R Emory Wingard. Ada History Department of Defense in search of high level language around 1975. Requirements drafted for the language.

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Presentation on theme: "Ada, Scheme, R Emory Wingard. Ada History Department of Defense in search of high level language around 1975. Requirements drafted for the language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ada, Scheme, R Emory Wingard

2 Ada

3 History Department of Defense in search of high level language around 1975. Requirements drafted for the language. Competition between vendors to produce language narrowed down to four. Cii-Honeywell/Bull's language design won.(1979)

4 History cont. Large requirements called for a large language. Was not released to the public during testing. Dr. Jean Ichbiah headed the French team Based on Pascal

5 The Compiler Compilers for Ada were not developed until four years after the language was completed. Compilers are trademarked. Slow compile-time and run-time performance in the beginning.

6 Versions Original: Ada 83 Ada 95 Ada 2005 Current version: Ada 2012

7 Usage Embedded systems Modern principles of software engineering Large software systems

8 Structure of programs Programs composed of program units Program units have subprograms, packages, task units, protected units, and generic units. Units consist of two parts: specifications and the body Most can be compiled separately

9 Subprograms Used to express algorithms Two kinds: procedures and functions Procedure is a way to bring up actions Functions provide computation of a value.

10 Packages Considered the highlight of Ada Program units that encapsulate a group of related declarations and control visibility. Supports definition of interfaces and implementations Information hiding and abstract data types Structure for larger systems

11 Exception Handling Based on PL/I and CLU Handled locally in the code so reference environment is the same. Inadequate for task. No extension to Ada 95 for exception handling.

12 Types Integer Character Boolean Float String *Considered to be strongly typed*

13 Readability? Writability? Cost?

14 R Functional, Statistical Computing, Graphics, Data Analysis

15 History Implementation of the S programming language Created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman

16 Advantages Open sourced Available across multiple platforms Ease of design of graphics Data analysis

17 Packages Stores data sets and functions. Similar to classes in Java Functions in packages are related Large number of packages for many different purposes Only a handful loaded by default

18 Commands Two forms: expressions assignments Expression are printed immediately, values are not stored Assignments pass values to variables, these results are not printed Commands can be grouped by braces Separation of commands done by semi-colons

19 expression/assignment examples

20 Objects Numeric vectors, character vectors, lists, functions Actually everything in R are objects example

21 Constants Building blocks for data objects Numbers, character values, and symbols examples.

22 Precedence rules function calls and grouping expressions Index and lookup operators Arithmetic Comparison Formulas Assignment Help

23 Control Structures Conditional Statements if (condition) true_expression else false_expression

24 Scheme

25 Overview Developed in the 70s at MIT An extension of LISP Uses: optimizing compilers, financial analysis packages, operating systems, and writing text editiors

26 The Interpreter Interactive Infinite read-evaluate-print loop Very small, increased reliability

27 Programs Collection of functional definitions DEFINE binds names to a value binds names to lambda expressions prototypes expression

28 Programs cont. Block structured keywords and variables are lexically scoped This makes the programs modular Increases readability and reliability Maintenance is easier

29 Programs cont. Scope of binding determined before evaluation of program by compiler Makes the code more efficient

30 Arithmetic Scheme uses prefix notation This simplifies precedence and associativity of operators example

31 Data Structures Scheme uses lists rather than arrays Shown as sequences of objects surrounded by parenthesis. quote is used to tell the program that the list is to be treated as data and not a procedure List manipulation: car- returns the first element in a list cdr- returns the rest of the list cons- used to construct list

32 Advantages Portable Used to teach programming in high schools Very small and simplistic

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