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Management Science vs. arts Management is a cause of systematic transaction of all managerial activities and efficient utilization of all company sources.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Science vs. arts Management is a cause of systematic transaction of all managerial activities and efficient utilization of all company sources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Science vs. arts Management is a cause of systematic transaction of all managerial activities and efficient utilization of all company sources in object to come to fruition rated company´s ambitions. Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources. Daft, 2008

2 Planning Organizing and managing Control Decision making Communication Human factor SOURCESSOURCES GOALSGOALS We add marketing purchase production distribution

3 Management skills Effectiveness – the degree to which organizations achieves stated goals; Efficiency – the amount of resources used to achieve an organizational goal.

4 The company environment Internal environment, –employees, –management, –company culture Task environment, –customers, –competitors, –suppliers, –labor market General environment, –international, –technological, –sociocultural, –economic, –legal-political.

5 Specific influence of chemical productions on controlling almost impossible to interrupt production process, production workers can´t operate directly with raw material, complementary productions, different progress and raw material leading to the same product, high energy severity of chemicals productions, requirement of working in more work shifts, danger of health hazard, possibility of fast devaluation of technology.

6 All these specifics influence management of company. For example, because workers can not operate with raw material directly (it is in pipes) control is a bit harder, it is necessary to believe indicators, attention is focused on preventive control (control of raw material), we need more equipment; “High energy intensity” – chemistry needs high cost for building of an factory, very often we need to heat something and then cool it, we should to think about usage the waste heat, etc.

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