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16-06-99CMS week1 Agenda Sarah Eno: Status of project Volker Drollinger: jet energy scale and top mass Ritua Kinnunen: Higgs mass resolution E. Doroshkevic:

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Presentation on theme: "16-06-99CMS week1 Agenda Sarah Eno: Status of project Volker Drollinger: jet energy scale and top mass Ritua Kinnunen: Higgs mass resolution E. Doroshkevic:"— Presentation transcript:

1 16-06-99CMS week1 Agenda Sarah Eno: Status of project Volker Drollinger: jet energy scale and top mass Ritua Kinnunen: Higgs mass resolution E. Doroshkevic: missing Et and VFCAL S. Dasu: contributions to jet and met resolutions E. McCliment: HF (via video)

2 16-06-99CMS week2 Status of JPG Group Current Areas of Work: Event Generation/Simulation L1 Trigger Algorithms L2.0 Trigger Algorithms ORCA Code Future Areas: Trigger Table Work rate calculations

3 16-06-99CMS week3 Event Simulation People: Rick Wilkinson, Vivian O’Dell, Chris Seez, Shuichi Kunori, Salavat Abdoulline, Sasha Nikitenko, Alessandra Caner, Sridhara Dasu Parameters: CMSIM 116 VF showerlib cutele 100 keV, cutgam 1 MeV eta <5.5

4 16-06-99CMS week4 Backgrounds Backgrounds: PYTHIA 2 jets, CTEQ4LO SF 15-20 20000 events 20-30 40000 30-50 80000 50-80 40000 120-170 1000 170-230 100 Being processed at CIT. 1/2 finished! Overlap events: tracking group “blessed” mix pythia QCD 2->2 on (12,13,28,53,68) pythia min bias on (95) low as (0.075) to give soft fragmentation, high multiplicity 10,000 events being processed at CERN

5 16-06-99CMS week5 Signals tan(beta) = 2 m_0,m_1/2 100, 150 200, 500 300,1000 1000,1000 500, 150 1500, 150 1500, 600 SUSY: Salavat Abdoulline tan(beta) = 35 m_0,m_1/2 200, 150 300, 500 400,1000 1000,1000 500, 150 1500, 400 1500, 700 sign(mu) = + 1,

6 16-06-99CMS week6 Signals 1. gg->Hbb, H->2tau-> el. + tau-jet M=200 GeV 2. gg->Hbb, H->2tau-> 2 tau-jet M=200 GeV 3. gg->Hbb, H->2tau-> 2 tau-jet M=500 GeV for el. + tau-jet: Pt el > 15 GeV, eta el < 2.4 Pt tau-jet > 30 GeV, eta tau-jet < 2.4 for 2 tau-jet : Pt tau-jet > 45 GeV, eta tau-jet < 2.4 Higgs -> tautau Sasha Nikitenko Challenging trigger!

7 16-06-99CMS week7 Post-Processing In the HLT meeting today, we decided to postprocess the data. Job will take the CMS output, run the DIGI routines, and output an ntuple. The ntuple will contain: KINE, HEPEVT, trigger digis, calo digis, muon digis They will also write a routine that will take this ntuple, and turn it back into ORCA C++ classes. Critical path: HCAL digi routine

8 16-06-99CMS week8 Event Simulation Work needed: I suspect there are more challenging signatures that we need jet/met in their HLT triggers. We need thought in this area! Eventually, we will need very large data samples, and GEANT will probably be too slow. Will need a fast MC, which parameterizes our GEANT result. We should probably get some “hard” overlap events, pythia 2->2 with 5 GeV PTMIN. Maybe some standalone study to see how different assumptions affect rate? Some background with full VF simulation? Different hadronic shower models?

9 16-06-99CMS week9 L1 Trigger Algorithms People: Dan Green, Wisconsin Group The HLT trigger algorithms depend critically on the L1 algorithms. New jet algorithm proposed by Dan Green. Need to keep abreast on what’s going on here. Work to do: test various algorithms for different physics/background samples ideas for more effective algorithms?

10 16-06-99CMS week10 L2.0 Trigger Algorithms Jets: will just use ORCA routines? MET: will just use ORCA met routine? Tau-jets: Sasha Nikitenko calorimeter-based algorithm has been developed which gives a factor 15 rejection while maintaining a 50% efficiency for tau’s. Work needed: eventually need to get Sasha’s algorithm in a public area. Do we need some official area to keep L2 algorithm code? How do we go about doing this?

11 16-06-99CMS week11 ORCA Code Calorimeter Readout Simulation: Teresa ECAL code written, being tested L1 Simulation: Sridhara Dasu written, being tested Jet Algorithms: Hans-Peter library available jet energy scale corrections: Volker Drollinger, N. Skachkov private fortran code Work needed: Hcal Readout code MET routines C++ jet energy scale (integrate findings into ORCA)

12 16-06-99CMS week12 Trigger Table L2.0 triggers? Calibration triggers? Background triggers? (how can we understand the fraction/ event characteristics of QCD events in our SUSY sample) L1 threshold rate Scalar ET 400 GeV 0.48 khz MET 80 GeV 1.29 khz 1jet 100 GeV 2.06 khz 2jets 60 GeV 2.17 khz 3jets 30 GeV 3.16 khz jet+e 50+12 GeV 1.35 khz (note, jets are 95% efficient at about 2xL1 thres met at 2.5xL1 thres)

13 16-06-99CMS week13 Rate Calculations Work To Do: First step: General Purpose JPG Ntuple 1) L1 results 2) number of pile-up events and their time structure 3) parton level jets and parton id information 4) particle level jets 5) ORCA jets 6) particle level MET 7) ORCA MET 8) results from any HLT algorithm (sasha’s tau algorithm) 8) what else?

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