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Which leads to the question, which is more important, perhaps… WHY IS THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM?

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Presentation on theme: "Which leads to the question, which is more important, perhaps… WHY IS THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which leads to the question, which is more important, perhaps… WHY IS THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM?

2  Self as explainer*  Solid foundations*  Science-Technology-Decisions*  Scientific skills*  Correct explanations*  Everyday coping*  Nature of Science* From Roberts, D. (1982).

3  STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics  Workforce—  Highest paying jobs _paying_jobs _paying_jobs  Prestige/Pride oyment/2005-05-23-prestige-usat_x.htm /070802/2prestige.htm oyment/2005-05-23-prestige-usat_x.htm /070802/2prestige.htm

4  Formal Curriculum – What is supposed to be included (a.k.a. the Explicit Curriculum)  Null Curriculum—What is left out  Hidden Curriculum—What is taught unintentionally  Curriculum in Use—What is really taught  Emergent Curriculum—What comes about through interaction with student interests and current events  Received Curriculum—What students learn

5  Standards  Published curriculum materials  Supplemental materials  Trade publications  Student interests  Teacher creativity

6 With apologies to Miriam Ben-Peretz  What is intended by the developers is not necessarily how curriculum materials are used.  Teachers interpret curriculum materials.  Interpretation of curriculum materials, or any materials, depends on:  teachers’ creative abilities,  knowledge of curriculum,  knowledge of subject matter,  knowledge of discipline,  the context in which the teacher works

7 The world according to Robeck…  At its best, “curriculum” is intentional and responsive.  At its best, “curriculum” makes use of the widest possible array of resources in an effort to help learning occur.  At its best, “curriculum” is active in the lives of both the teacher and the student in several ways, at several levels both in and out of school.

8  In what we have done so far in this class, find examples for each of the ideas in this presentation, if you can…!  Which of the ideas were easiest to find examples of? Which were hardest? Why do you suppose that is?  What might be the consequences of practicing teaching without knowledge of each of these ideas?  What are the abilities implied by each idea?

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