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Anisotropy, Reversal and Micro-magnetics

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1 Anisotropy, Reversal and Micro-magnetics
1. Magnetic anisotropy (a) Magnetic crystalline anisotropy (b) Single ion anisotropy and atom pairs model (c) Exchange energy (anisotropy) (d) Interface anisotropy (e) Interlayer anti-ferromagnetic coupling 2. Magnetization reversal (a) H parallel and normal the anisotropy axis, respectively (b) Coherent rotation (Stoner-Wohlfarth model) (c) Spin torque (Current induced switching) (d) For votex 3. Micromagnetics dynamic simulation; solving LLG equation

2 Magnetocrystalline anisotropy
Crystal structure showing easy and hard magnetization direction for Fe (a), Ni (b), and Co (c), above. Respective magnetization curves, below.



5 The Defination of Field Ha
A quantitative measure of the strength of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy is the field, Ha, needed to saturate the magnetization in the hard direction. The energy per unit volume needed to saturate a material in a particular direction is given by a generation: The uniaxial anisotropy in Co,Ku = 1400 x 7000/2 Oe emu/cm3 =4.9 x 106 erg/cm3.

6 How is µL coupled to the lattice ?
If the local crystal field seen by an atom is of low symmetry and if the bonding electrons of that atom have an asymmetric charge distribution (Lz ≠ 0), then the atomic orbits interact anisotropically with the crystal field. In other words, certain orientation for the bonding electron charge distribution are energetically preferred. The coupling of the spin part of the magnetic moment to the electronic orbital shape and orientation (spin-orbit coupling) on a given atom generates the crystalline anisotropy

7 Physical Origin of Magnetocrystalline anisotropy
Simple representation of the role of orbital angular momentum <Lz> and crystalline electric field in deter- mining the strength of magnetic anisotropy.


9 Uniaxial Anisotropy Careful analysis of the magnetization-orientation curves indicates that for most purpose it is sufficient to keep only the first three terms: where Kuo is independent of the orientation of M. Ku1>0 implies an easy axis.

10 Uniaxial Anisotropy Pt/Co or Pd/Co multilayers from interface
CoCr films from shape Single crystal Co in c axis from (magneto-crystal anisotropy) MnBi (hcp structure) Amorphous GdCo film FeNi film

11 Single-Ion Model of Magnetic Anisotropy
In a cubic crystal field, the orbital states of 3d electrons are split into two groups: one is the triply degenerate dε orbits and the other the doubly one d γ.

12 Energy levels of dεand d dγ electrons in
(a) octahedral and (b) tetrahedral sites.

13 Table: The ground state and degeneracy of transition metal ions

14 Cations Distribution of surrounding ions about
d electrons for Fe2+ in octahe- dral site. Co2+ ions Oxygen ions Cations Distribution of surrounding ions about the octahedral site of spinel structure.

15 Conclusion : (1) As for the Fe2+ ion, the sixth electron should occupy the lowest singlet, so that the ground state is degenerate. (2) Co2+ ion has seven electrons, so that the last one should occupy the doublet. In such a case the orbit has the freedom to change its state in plane which is normal to the trigonal axis, so that it has an angular momentum parallel to the trigonal axis. Since this angular momentum is fixed in direction, it tends to align the spin magnetic moment parallel to the trigonal axis through the spin-orbit interaction. Slonczewski expalain the stronger anisotropy of Co2+ relative the Fe2+ ions in spinel ferrites ( in Magnetism Vol.3, G.Rado and H.Suhl,eds.)

16 Ku = 2αJ J(J-1/2)A2<r2>,
Single ion model: Ku = 2αJ J(J-1/2)A2<r2>, Where A2 is the uniaxial anisotropy of the crystal field around 4f electrons, αJ Steven’ factor, J total anglar momentum quantum numbee and <r2> the average of the square of the orbital radius of 4f electrons. Perpendicular anisotropy energy per RE atom substitution in Gd19Co81films prepared by RF sputtering (Suzuki at el., IEEE Trans. Magn. 23(1987)2275.

17 over the nearest-neighbor ions j.

18 Y.J.Wang and W.Kleemann PRB 44(1991)5132.

19 References (single ion anisotropy)
(1) J.J.Rhyne 1972 Magnetic Properties Rare earth matals ed by R.J.elliott p156 (2) Z.S.Shan, D.J.Sellmayer, S.S.Jaswal, Y.J.Wang, and J.X.Shen, Magnetism of rare-earth tansition metal nanoscale multilayers, Phys.Rev.Lett., 63(1989)449; (3) Y. Suzuki and N. Ohta, Single ion model for magneto-striction in rare-earth transition metal amorphous films, J.Appl.Phys., 63(1988)3633; (4) Y.J.Wang and W.Kleemann, Magnetization and perpendicular anisotropy in Tb/Fe multilayer films, Phys.Rev.B, 44 (1991)5132.

20 Exchange Anisotropy Co particle 2r=20nm Schematic representation of effect of exchange coupling on M-H loop for a material with antiferromagnetic (A) surface layer and a soft ferro- magnetic layer (F). The anisotropy field is defined on a hard-axis loop, right ( Meiklejohn and Bean, Phys. Rev. 102(1956)3047 ).

21 weak-antiferromagnete limit, moments of both films respond in unison
FeMn NiFe strong-antiferromagnet weak-antiferromagnete Above, the interfacial moment configuration in zero field. Below, left, the weak-antiferromagnete limit, moments of both films respond in unison to field. Below, right, in the strong-antiferromagnet limit, the A moment far from the interface maintain their orientation. (Mauri JAP 62(1987)3047)

22 Exchange field and coecivity as function of FeMn
NiFe/FeMn In the weak-antiferromagnet limit, KA tA << J, tA ≦ j / KA= tAc, For FeMn system, tAc ≈ 5 0 (A) for j ≈ 0.1 mJ/m2 and KA ≈ 2x104 mJ/m3. Exchange field and coecivity as function of FeMn Thickness (Mauri JAP 62(1987)3047).

23 Mauri et al., (JAP 62(1987)3047) derived an expression for
M-H loop of the soft film in the exchange-coupled regime, (tA>tAc) θ There are stable solution at θ=0 and π corresponding to ± MF. Hex along z direction

24 Interface anisotropy Carcia et al., APL 47(1985)178


26 Effective anisotropy times Co thickness versus cobalt
(Si substrate) Effective anisotropy times Co thickness versus cobalt thickness for [Co/Pt] multilayers (Engle PRL 67(1990)1910).

27 The effective anisotropy energy measured for a film of
thickness d may be described as (1) , or writing as (2) (3) = Keff d = 2ks + (kV -2πMs2)d

28 Surface Magnetic Anisotropy ?
The reduced symmetry at the surface (Neel 1954); The ratio of Lz2 / (Lx2 + Ly2) is increased near the surface Interface anisotropy (LS coupling) [1]J.G.Gay and Roy Richter, PRL 56(1986)2728, [2] G.H.O. Daalderop et al., PRB 41(1990)11919, [3] D.S.Wang et al., PRL 70(1993)869.

29 Interlayer AF coupling
Grunberg et al., PRL 57(1986)2442 Fe/Cr/Fe Fe/Au/Fe Fig.2 Spectra from Cr 8 and Au 20 with Bo along the easy axis. The arrow indicate the suggested magnetization direction on the two Fe layers where Bo is supposed to point up. Observed spin-wave propagation then is along a horizontal line.

30 Oscillation Exchange Coupling
Field needed to saturate the magnetization at 4.2 K versus Cr thickness for Si(111) / 100ACr / [20AFe / tCr Cr ]n /50A Cr, deposited at T=40oC ( solid circle, N=30); at T=125oC (open circle, N=20) (Parkin PRL 64 (1990)2304).

31 Interlayer exchange coupling strength J12 for coupling of
Ni80Co20 layers through a Ru spacer layer. The solid line corresponds to a fit to the data of RKKY form. Parkin et al., PRB 44(1991)7131.

32 Parkin et al., PRL 66(1991)2152

33 over all the pairs ij, i and j running respectively on F1 and F2.
Bruno, Chappert PRL 67(1991)1602 The spin polarization of the conduction electrons gives rise to an indirect exchange interaction Hij = J(Rij) S i·S j . The interlayer coupling is obtained by summing Hij over all the pairs ij, i and j running respectively on F1 and F2.

34 Co/Au(111)/Co Dependence of the exchange coupling J between Co layers vs the thickness tAu of the Au(111) interlayer. Line: theoretical fit of experimental data to RKKY model, with I33.8 erg/cm2, Λ=4.5 AL, Ψ=0.11 rad, tc=5AL and m*/m=0.16 PRL 71(1993)3023

35 RKKY theory

36 Fermi spanning vector

37 Magnetization Process
The magnetization process describes the response of material to applied field. (1) What does an M-H curve look like ? (2) why ?

38 For uniaxial anisotropy and domain walls are parallel to the easy axis
Application of a field H transverse to the EA results in rotation of the domain magnetization but no wall motion. Wall motion appears as H is parallel to the EA.

39 Hard-Axis Magnetization The energy density
(1) (For zero torque condition) (2) (For stability condition) θ= 0 for H > 2 Ku / Ms (Ku >0 ) θ the angle between H and M θ= π for H < -2 Ku / Ms (Ku <0)

40 The other solution from eq.1 is given by
(2) This is the equation of motion for the magnetization in field below saturation -2Ku/Ms <H < 2Ku/Ms Eq.(2) may be written as HaMscosθ= MsH (3) Using cosθ=m=M/Ms , eq.3 gives m=h, ( h=H/Ha)

41 m = h, ( m = M/Ms ; h = H/Ha ) It is the general equatiuon for the magnetization processs with the field applied in hard direction for an uniaxial material, M-H loop for hard axis magnetization process

42 M-H loop for easy-axis magnetization process

43 Stoner-Wohlfarth Model
The free energy f = -Kucos2 (θ- θo)+ HMscosθ Minimizing with respect to θ, giving Kusin2 (θ- θo) – HMssin θ=0 Coordinate system for magnetization reversal process in single-domain particle.

44 Kusin2 (θ- θo) – HoMsSin θ=0 (1)
∂2E/ ∂ θ2 =0 giving, 2KuCos (θ- θo) - Ho MsCos θ= (2) Eq.(1) and (2) can be written as sin2(θ- θo) = psinθ (3) cos (θ- θo) = (p/2)cosθ (4) with p=Ho Ms/Ku

45 From eq.(3) and (4) we obtain
(5) Using Eq.(3-5) one gets (6)

46 The relationship between p and θo
Sin2θo=(1/p2) [(4-p2)/3]3/2 θo is the angle between H and the easy axis; p=Ho Ms/Ku. p θo =45o, Ho =Ku/Ms; θo =0 or 90o, Ho =2Ku/Ms

47 Stoner Wohlfarth model of coherent rotation
Hc [2Ku/Ms] M/Ms o H [2Ku/Ms]

48 Wall motion coecivity Hc
The change of wall energy per unit area is H ∂εw /∂ s =2IsHcos θ θ is the angle between H and Is Ho={1/ (2Iscos θ) } (∂εw/ ∂s)max (1)

49 (2) If the change of wall energy arises from interior stress
max (2) here δ is the wall thick. Substitution of (2) into (1) getting, When ι ≈ δ For common magnet, Homax =200 Oe. (λ≈10-5, Is=1T, σo=100 KG /mm2.)

50 Dependence of the coercive force on the magnitude for
Ho max= πλσo/2Iscosθ Dependence of the coercive force on the magnitude for of internal stress nickel (a) hard-drawn in various stress; (b) a hard-worked Ni specimen which was an- nealed to release the internal stress.

51 Coecivity from domain wall pinning
Geometry of medium showing defect region 2 and host material in regions 1 and 3 *Friedburg and Pauil PRL 34(1975)1234.

52 The total energy related to the 180o wall movement
E=∫[Ai (dθ/dx)2 + ki sin2θ – HMi cos θ] dx (1) where i=1,2 and 3 in the region 1,2 and 3 respectively; Minimizing the total energy and obtaining the Euler equation -2 Ai (d2θ/dx2 ) + 2ki sinθcos θ +HMi sin θ = (2) Integrating the Eq.(2) yields the three nonlinear equations - Ai (dθ/dx)2 + ki sin2θ - HMi cosθ = ci (3) where ci is an integral constant

53 σ = A(Əθ/ Əz)2dz δσ = 2A [ƏθƏ δθ/ƏzƏz ]dz = -2A(Ə 2θ/Əz2) δθdz +2A(Əθ/Əz)δz = -2A (Ə 2θ/Əz2)

54 The boundary condition in the homogeneous regions is
θ(-∞)=0, θ(+∞)=π, (d θ/dx)x= -∞=0, (d θ/dx)x=∞=0, (4) substituting (4) into (3), one obtains - A (dθ/dx)2 - k sin2θ - HMs cosθ + HMs= (5) - A (dθ/dx)2 - k sin2θ - HMs cosθ - HMs= (6) - A’ (dθ/dx)2 - k’ sin2θ- HM2 cosθ = c2; (7) they are, respectively, Euler equations in region of (1), (3) and (2).

55 Using the continuous condition at boundary,
A dθ1.2 / dx = A’ d θ1.2 / dx, one gets (cosθ1 +ha/2b)2 – (cosθ2 +ha/2b)2 = 2h/b (8) D= = A’/(AK)1/2 [(1-b)sin2θ2 -h(1-a)cosθ2 + bsin2θ1 -hacosθ1+h ] -1/2 dθ (9) with h= HMs / K, a=1- M2A’/MsA, b=1- A’K’/AK. When a, b and D are determined, namely the defects are determined, we can obtain a set of solution of h, θ1 and θ2, among them there must be a set’s h which is maximun hmax.

56 Solution 1 When the applied field small so as to h<1, then eq.9 become D≈ [A’/(AK)1/2][ -cos2 θ2 + cos2 θ1]/[sin2 θ1sinθ1] (10) . From eq.(8), cos2 θ1 ≈cos2 θ2+2h/b (11). Substituting (11) into (10), we get Hc = [(KD)/(Msδo)](A/A’-K/K’)(sin2 θ1 cosθ2)max =(2K / Ms)( D / 32/3δo)(A/A’- K/K’) (12)

57 Hc = (2K/Ms)(1-pq)[(1-(mp)1/2)2/(1-mp)2] (13)
Solution 2 If the thickness of the wall is much less than the thickness of the defect, δo << D. In such a case, the reversal can be performed in the region 2. Therefore, the contribution from the region 3 can be ignored for θ2 =π. We get Hc = (2K/Ms)(1-pq)[(1-(mp)1/2)2/(1-mp)2] (13) where p=A’/A, q=K’/K, m=M2/Ms We see that Hc is not related to D when δo << D

58 w (=D/δdw); when w<<1, hc increases lineally with
(2) when w is larger, hc is saturated; (3) When F<<1 or E<<1, larger hc can be obtained The normalized Hc vs wall energy of the defect, E=A2K2/A1K1 The normalized Hcvs w (=D/δdw)

59 Example-1 Nd2Fe14B 4πMs=16 KG, A≈10-6 erg/cm, K1=5x107 erg/cm3 ,
δo ≈40 A The Nd2Fe14B grains, 5-10 µm are separated by non magnetic phase of Nd1.1Fe4B4 and rich-Nd (0.1-1 µm ) and satisfied for w=D/δo, E=F ≈0; If let F be 0.01, then hc= or Hc=hcK1M1= 40 KOe

60 Example-2 For amorphous alloy, W (D/δo) >>1 and F ≈1, E larger;
from fig, hc ≈0.06 is obtained. Assuming K1 ≈100erg/cm3 and Ms=1200 emu/cm3, then Hc=0.006 Oe It is in agreement with experiment.

61 SST L.Berger PRB 54(1996)9353 2. J.C.Slonczewski 3M 159(1996)1

62 Samples (large): (Co/Cu)N MLs N=20-50 tCo=1.5nm, tCu=2.0-2.2nm
Spin toque transfer Tsoi et al PRL 80(1998)4281 Samples (large): (Co/Cu)N MLs N=20-50 tCo=1.5nm, tCu= nm capped with 1.6 nm Au Measured at 4.2 K and Jc≈ 109 A/cm2 At negative polarity, current flows from Ag tip into MLs. H is perpendicular to MLS.

63 H 1200A Cu /100A Co /60A Cu/ 25A Co /150A Cu /30A Pt/ 600A Au The device diameter is 130± 30 nm Katine et al PRL 84(2000)3149.

64 At room temperature J=1.0x108 A/cm2 Fig.2 (a) dv/dI of a pillars device exhibits hysteretic jumps as the current is swept; (b) Zero-bias MR hysteresis loop for the same sample (Katine PRL 84(2000)3149).

65 The spin-transfer model predicts that increasing H should make both
g = [-4+(1+p)3(3 + s1 · s2)/4p3/2]-1 For I > Ic+ =αγ eS [ Heff (0) + 2πM] / g(0) from parallel to anti-parallel For below Ic- = αγ eS [Heff (0) -2πM] / g(π) from anti-parallel to parallel The spin-transfer model predicts that increasing H should make both Ic+ and Ic- more positive.

66 Some degree of spin polarization
along the instantaneous axis parallel to the vector s1 of local ferromagnetic polarization in F1 will be present in the electrons impinging on F2.

67 spin polarization along the axis parallel
to the vector ML of local ferromagnetic polarization in will be present in the electrons impinging on MR. S1,2 = (Ieg/c)S1,2 x (S1 x S2) g = [ -4+(1+p)3(3+S1·S2)/4p3/2] (J.C.Slonczwski 3M 159(1996)L1)


69 The last term incorporates the spin-transfer effects.
The prefactor αI depends on the spin polarization current p and the angle between the free and pinned layers (Özyilmaz et al PRL 91(2003)067203).

70 Single-crystal multilayer mad by MBE;
25nm(Ga1-xMnx)As/500nm(InyGa1-y)As/100nmGaAs on (001) semi-insulating GaAs substrate. Sample A: x=0.05, y=0.15; B : x=0.038, y=0.23 Tc=90K for A, 110K for B Fig 1, A micrograph and a schematic drawing of the device. (a) a 20 µm wide channel with three pairs of Hall probes separated by 15 µm was defined by photolithograhy and wet etching. (b) to reduce the Hc of two regions, 7-8 nm and 3nm of the surface layers of regions 2 and 3, respectively, were removed . A domain wall was prepared at the boundary of regions 1 and 2, and its position after application of a current pulse was monitoredby RHall=VHall/l, using a small probe current I. Voltage VHall is measured at the Hall probe. Magneto-optical Kerr microscopy was used to image the domain structure.

71 Fig 2, The hysteresis loop of regions 1,2
and 3 of sample A measured by RHall at 83K, and the temperature and the current dependence of the averaged Hall resis- tance, RHall. (a) Hc shows that Hc(1)>Hc(3)>Hc(2), as designed. No dependence of hysteresis on current direction was observed at I=5µA. (b) Temperature dependence of RHall measured using I=5µA, 1.5-s current pulses; open circies Indicate RHall for region 1, closed triangles for 2, and open downward triangles for 3. (c) Current dependence of RHall measured 1.5-s current pulses at 82K.

72 Fig 3, The effect of successive alternating
negative and positive current pulses on RHall for regions 1,2 and 3 of sample A. The amplitude of the pulse is 350 µA and its width 100ms. At t=0, the domain wall is at the boundary of regions 1 and 2; when a negative current pulse is applied (t=30s), M direction in region 2 is reversed. The M direction in region 2 can be switched back.

73 initial state After I=-300 µA After I=+ 300 µA
Fig 4, MOKE images of sample A using 546 nm light at 80K.

74 R.P.Cowburn et al., (Uni Cambridge) PRL 83(1999)1042.
Reversal in votex





79 Motion Equation for Magnetic vector
There is angle moment G corresponding to M and the relation between them M = -γ G, (1) under the action of Heff, M is acted by a torque, L = M x Heff (2) Due to the torque, dG/dt = M x Heff, (3) substituting (1) to (3), we obtain dM/dt = -γ M x Heff, (4) This is the Motion Equation for Magnetic vector

80 At t1, the position of M is represented
by M’. Under the action of He, M’ is affected by a torque L’=M’ x He and M’ moves to the position of M” at t2=t1+dt. As such a manner, M moves with a constant length and a continuous variant direction. This behaviors of M is called as the precession motion of M around He. t2=t1+dt. -L” -L’ t2 M’ M” t1 o G’ G”

81 dM/dt = -γ M x Heff, which is a motion equation without
any damping. When the damping term in the equation exits, M is quickly parallel to the direction of He. The expression of the damping term: (1) Landau-Lifshith form Td = (-αγ/M) x M x ( M x Heff), (2) Gilbert form Td = (α/M) M x dM / dt

82 Micromagnetics-Dynamic Simulation
(1) The film is divided into nx ∙ ny regular elements, (2) Determining all the field on each element (3) Solving Landau-Lifshith-Gilbert equation

83 Two dimension Magnetic thin film modelded in two-dimensional
approximation. The film is divided into nx x ny ele- ments for the simulation.

84 Computation flow diagram for solving the magnetization
ΔM < 1.0 x10-7 G; The sum torque T <102 erg/cc Computation flow diagram for solving the magnetization In the magnetic film.

85 (1) To set the parameters: Ms=1400 G, Ku=1x106 erg/cm3,
random anisotropy from 0-180o, A=2x10-6 erg/cm, d=20nm, α=1 (2) mx(i,j)=m sinΘcos β, my(i,j)=, mz(i,j)= dmx(i,j)=0, dmy(i,j)=0 dmz(i,j)=0 (3) mx(i,j)=mx(i,j)+dmx(i,j), dmy(i,j), dmz(i,j) (4) ∑ mx(i,j)/N [i from 1 to 20, j from 1 to 20] (5) t from 10-3 to 1 sec, dt=10-12 (6) To calculate Hk(i,j), Hd(i,j), Hex(i,j), Hap(i,j) (7) To solving the LLG eqation (8) To calculate torque and dm

86 Micromagnetics-dynamic simulation
Cross-tie wall in thin Permalloy film: simulated (a and b) and observed (c) Nakatani et al., Japanese JAP 28(1989)2485.

87 Hysterisis Loop Simulation (an example Co/Ru/Co and Co/Ru/Co/Ru/Co Films)
Wang YJ et al., JAP 89(2001)6994;91(2002)9241; 94(2003)525.

88 Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation



91 The other fields m = M/Ms , and e denotes the unit vector along the
(1) Random anisotropy field : ha = ( m ∙ e ) ∙ hK , m = M/Ms , and e denotes the unit vector along the easy axis in the cell; (2) Exchange energy fild: hex = (3) Demagnetizing field (dipole-dipole interaction) hmagi = - ∑ (1/rij3) [3(mj∙ rij)/rij –mj] (4) The applied field happ = h ∙ m



94 Thanks !

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