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The Scientific Revolution Part Two Textbook reading and notes Spring 2016.

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2 The Scientific Revolution Part Two Textbook reading and notes Spring 2016

3 Please start by getting out something to write with and a new sheet of lined notebook paper.


5 Please write your name in the upper right hand corner. Follow this with the date and your class hour.

6 Student Name Today’s date Class hour

7 Now write the title across the upper left corner and into the middle. Title = “Sci. Rev. Part Two ~ Ch 22 Sect 1”

8 Student Name Today’s date Class hour Sci. Rev. Part Two Ch 22 Sect 1

9 The only thing you will be writing on this paper are answers to questions found within the presentation. Please number as we go through the questions. There will be reading, re-reading, thinking, and discussion that takes place before and after your answers are written. You will turn in whatever we get done today. Thank you.


11 SILENTLY Read, re-read, analyze and try to memorize “Galileo’s Discoveries” on page 623. As you read, pay particular attention to Galileo’s connections to other scientists. You have two minutes. Don’t do anything else at this time.

12 Discuss with a neighbor the following: *Do you think Galileo was a Christian? *What is the main idea of this section? *How do the terms “solar system” and “heliocentric” relate to each other? Again, you have two minutes.

13 Answer these questions on your paper: 1.) From what country was Galileo? 2.) What did he build to study planets and stars? 3.) How did he tell people about his findings? Again you have 2 minutes.


15 Next SILENTLY read, re-read, analyze and try to memorize “Conflict with the Church” found on page 625. You have two minutes. Don’t do anything else at this time.

16 Discuss with a neighbor the following for 2 min. *Why was Galileo having Catholic clergy looking through his telescope in the previous picture? *Why were Galileo’s findings and teachings dangerous for Christian leaders? *What did Galileo do when threatened with torture and do you agree with what he did?

17 Answer the following questions on your paper. 4.) What were the titles of both of Galileo’s books? 5.) Compare Galileo’s response to that of Martin Luther during the Reformation. They were both in similar circumstances. Who do you think chose the better response? Why? You have three minutes.


19 Next SILENTLY read, re-read, analyze and try to memorize “The Scientific Method” at the bottom of page 625 and the timeline across the top of pages 626 and 627. Pay close attention to the steps of the Scientific Method, dates, and people’s names. Don’t do anything else at this time. You have two minutes.

20 Turn to a neighbor and finish these statements out loud for two minutes. *State from memory the steps of the Scientific Method. *What are some major categories that stand out on the timeline?

21 Now answer the following questions on your paper. You have two minutes. 6.) What three scientists are given credit for their revolutionary thinking that eventually formed the Scientific Method? 7.) List in order the steps of the Scientific Method.

22 Keep going. There’s more. Two more minutes. 8.) How many books are mentioned on the timeline? 9.) How many items on the timeline deal with the universe? 10.) How many items on the timeline deal with Earth’s natural world?


24 Next SILENTLY read, re-read, analyze and try to memorize information about Francis Bacon and Rene’ Descartes on page 626. By the end, be able to talk about a significant achievement for each. Don’t do anything else at this time. You have three minutes.

25 Turn to a neighbor and discuss the following for two minutes. *What European countries were these two men from? *What is a similarity between Bacon and Descartes? *What is a difference between Bacon and Descartes?

26 Answer the following on your paper. You have two minutes. 11.) Which one promoted empiricism? 12.) What is a definition for empiricism? 13.) Which one developed analytical geometry? 14.) What is a definition for analytical geometry?

27 Keep going. There’s more. One more minute. 15.) What is Rene’ Descartes’ most famous quote? Write it down. 16.) Just like our scholars previously, these guys wanted to better understand the _____ world.


29 Now it’s your turn to show what you’ve learned about close reading. Write “Cornell” type notes for the last two subtitles in Section 1. The first is “Newton Explains the Law of Gravity” and the second is “The Scientific Revolution Spreads.” Pages 626 to 628. Remember to focus on: People, Places, Events, and Ideas. *Turn in whatever you have done at the end of the hour.

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