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“Good to Great: Student to Professional” Southeast Regional Conference February 22, 2008 Presented by: Cindy Cruz, BAP Board of Directors - Alumni Representative.

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Presentation on theme: "“Good to Great: Student to Professional” Southeast Regional Conference February 22, 2008 Presented by: Cindy Cruz, BAP Board of Directors - Alumni Representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Good to Great: Student to Professional” Southeast Regional Conference February 22, 2008 Presented by: Cindy Cruz, BAP Board of Directors - Alumni Representative

2 Overview  Who is Cindy Cruz?  Good vs. Great  Student Involvement in BAP  Developing a “POA” - Plan of Action  Transitioning Into a Professional  What Every Young Professional Should Do  Q&A

3 Who is Cindy Cruz?;;;

4 BAP Board of Directors: Alumni Representative  What?  Two year commitment to serve as one of two alumni representatives. Attend 3 board meetings, 4 regional conferences and 1 annual meeting a year. Judge best practices, give presentations and serve on several committees.  Who?  Highly involved BAP members that are either about to graduate and become a professional or have been a professional for only one year.  How?  Chapter must nominate you  Employer must state support  Apply at by May 1,

5 Background of Good to Great “As students graduate, it is single handedly one of the most important times to step back and evaluate their future. They should identify who they want to be and how to accomplish their goals”

6 Background of Good to Great  “As students graduate, it is single handedly one of the most important times to step back and evaluate their future”  Purpose of this presentation is for you to walk away with the tools to become a great student and professional as well as to achieve the “great” mentality

7 Background of “Good to Great ”  “As students graduate, it is single handedly one of the most important times to step back and evaluate their future”  Purpose of this presentation is for you to walk away with the tools to become a great student and professional as well as to achieve the “great” mentality  My personal passion is to represent BAP members, so any time with members is time that I can better understand the voice of our constituents.. YOU!

8 What does “good” mean to you? Good vs. Great

9  definition of “good” Satisfactory in quality, quantity or degree Right Proper Fit Honorable Worthy Good standing Good vs. Great

10 What does “great” mean to you? Good vs. Great

11  definition of “great” Being such in an extreme or notable degree Remarkable Exceptionally outstanding Highly significant Good vs. Great

12 “Don’t let the good interfere with the best” -Jack Arnold- Good vs. Great

13 “When we are doing well by doing good we are tempted to rest on our laurels. We continue to do the same old thing. It’s comfortable. We like the comfort of the familiar when the money is rolling in. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” Good vs. Great

14 Passion Good vs. Great

15 Passion Focus Good vs. Great

16 Passion Focus Drive Good vs. Great

17 Passion Focus Drive Significance Good vs. Great

18 Passion Focus Drive Significance Vision Good vs. Great

19 Passion Focus Drive Significance Vision Above & Beyond Good vs. Great

20 Passion Focus Drive Significance Vision Above & Beyond Notable Good vs. Great

21 Passion Focus Drive Significance Vision Above & Beyond Notable Exceptional Good vs. Great

22 How do you want people to refer to YOU???

23 Good vs. Great How do you want people to refer to YOU??? “Insert your name here”is satisfactory

24 Good vs. Great “Insert your name here”is satisfactory “Insert your name here”is remarkable

25 Good vs. Great “Insert your name here”is satisfactory “Insert your name here”is remarkable “Insert your name here” is proper

26 Good vs. Great “Insert your name here”is satisfactory “Insert your name here”is remarkable “Insert your name here” is proper “Insert your name here”is highly significant

27 Good vs. Great GOOD “Satisfactory” “Proper”

28 Good vs. Great GREAT “Remarkable” “Highly Significant”

29 Good to Great Are you convinced???

30 Good to Great How do I go about becoming “great”?

31 Student Involvement in BAP Maximize it… students are set-up for success Vast leadership opportunities Attendance at seminars / conferences Networking opportunities Exposure to current topics Exposure to mentors Work with many different types of people Current projects: Best Practices, mentor programs, volunteer projects, PRWI, Gold Chapter, etc.

32 Student Involvement in BAP Maximize it… Students are set-up for success Opportunities to identify strengths, weaknesses, passions, etc Opportunities to develop skill sets, talents, etc “The transition from ‘Good to Great’ can start now.. You don’t have to wait until you begin your professional career”

33 Student Involvement in BAP  Take advantage of these opportunities!  Set yourself apart…become marketable  Develop skills and prepare for your career  The transition from “Good” to “Great” starts now… it becomes a mental habit of asking yourself key questions on a consistent basis.

34 Transitioning into a Professional  A “great” professional has identified their goals and has set a “POA”- Plan of Action  1. Ask yourself:  What do I want to be known for?  What weaknesses do I want to become strengths?  How can I remain healthy and balanced?  Where do I want to be in 2-5 years?  What am I passionate about- ST & LT?  How do I “give back?”

35 Transitioning into a Professional “ Make the decision to be passionate about yourself. Choose to be better than just good… choose to be great.. Only then can you begin to develop a plan of success, achievement and ultimate fulfillment”

36 Transitioning into a Professional  2. Be brave in answering the questions that you ask yourself. Truly take the time to understand yourself, your interests, your passions, etc. (this step may involve changing jobs, plans, etc)  3. Develop “how to’s” to reach your goals  Should be realistic and achievable  Utilize individuals that you respect  Most will not be achieved short term

37 Transitioning into a Professional  4. Begin to implement the POA  Take the first step in the right direction  Identify your weaknesses and how they may inhibit your plan  5. Re-evaluate, Re-evaluate, Re-evaluate  Always be mentally challenging your POA  Always be asking yourself - “how can I be even better, how can I be of more quality, how can I more effectively reach my goals”

38 Transitioning into a Professional  6. Always incorporate yourself with “great” employers, bosses and teams. Surround yourself with people that you respect.  7. Commit to being a person of high morality, ethics and strong character.

39 Every Young Professional Should…  Have a great attitude  Nothing is easy! Be prepared to work hard  Develop healthy habits  Prioritize yourself… in a good way  Work/Life Balance – the disconnect of expectations  Look out for yourself  Embrace the concept of continuous growth  CPA exam, professional certifications, graduate school  Develop others- become a “whole” person

40  Give back to Beta Alpha Psi  Give back to your community  Get involved in professional organizations  Get certified (I.e. CPA, CIA, CFE) Every Young Professional Should…  Become a mentor  Speak, Speech, Speeches

41 What is in it for me?  Intrinsic and intangible value  Continuous growth  More directed in reaching your goals  Mentality of above and beyond  Can more easily impact others  Driven to have a mentality of quality in everything that you do  More well rounded

42 Summary  Good vs. Great  Student Involvement in BAP  Developing a POA - Plan of Action for your life  Transitioning into a Professional  What is in it for me?  Background of Good to Great presentation

43 Summary “The journey to becoming great is where the learning, growth, change and maturing takes place.. the true evolution..however, ironically, the actual end result of greatness often becomes less important than the journey itself”

44 Questions?

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