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A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sure, I’d love to.

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Presentation on theme: "A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sure, I’d love to."— Presentation transcript:







7 A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sure, I’d love to.

8 A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sure, I’d love to. A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sure, I’d love to.

9 A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sorry, I can’t. I have to …

10 have a piano lesson/`lesən/ (=class) A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.

11 Work in pairs A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: Sorry, I can’t. I … 自由操练 可参考图片

12 1a d a ce

13 Listen and write the names (Tim,Ted,Kay, Anna and Wilson ) next to the correct students in the picture. Ted 25


15 Listen and write the names (Tim,Ted,Kay, Anna and Wilson ) next to the correct students in the picture. Tim Kay Anna Wilson Ted 25

16 选择任意图片完成对话. A: Can you come to my party? B: Sure, I’d love to. C: Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson. D: I’m sorry,too. I have to… 1C

17 You can’t come to the party. Why? Oh, I have to… You can’t come to the party. Why? Oh, I have to… 比一比,看谁反应快 ! I’m going to the doctor. I have to go to the doctor.

18 A: Can you come to my party? B: Sorry, I can’t. I’m v-ing… A: Can you come to my party? B: Sorry, I can’t. I’m v-ing… Work in pairs go to the movies go to the doctor

19 1.Jeff can /can’t come to the party. 2. Mary can/can’t come to the party. 3. May can/can’t come to the party. 4. Claudia can/can’t come to the party. 5.Paul can/can’t come to the party. 2a. Listen and Circle “can ” or “can’t” 26

20 2b Number the reasons 1-3 why people can’t go to the party Listening practice 2 3 1 26

21 A: Can you go to the concert with me? B: Sorry, I can’t. I have to… A: That’s too bad. Maybe another time.(=next time) B: Sure. Thanks for asking. /ə`n ðə(r)/ Λ /`k nsərt/ α : concert

22 A: That’s too bad. Maybe another time (下次). B: Sure, Joe. Thanks for asking. A: Hey, Dave, can you go to the movies on Saturday? B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have too much homework this weekend. activities go to the concert go fishing play soccer reasons have to study for a test have to help my mom have to visit my aunt 用下列词组替换: A: Hey, Dave, Can you on Saturday? B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I this weekend.

23 1. Ask your friends to come to your birthday party. Find out who can come, who can’t come. Then fill in the chart. A: Hi, …, can you come to my birthday party on Saturday? B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to help my mom this weekend. C: Sure, I’d love to. D: Sorry, I can’t. I am doing my homework. NameCan/Can’tWhy Bcan’thelp my mom Ccan Dcan’tdo my homework

24 … would love to come to my party. … can’t come to my party. He has to … And …can’t come to my party. She is v-ing… Report 2.Write a report and give it to the class.

25 Today we have learnt how to say “yes” or “no” to someone’s invitation and give a reason. 1) Can you …? 常用于发出邀请. 在口语也用 would you like to …? Could you …? 2) Sure, I’d love to. 这是对邀请的肯定回答, 表 示接受邀请.Sure 用于口语, 相 当于 Certainly, yes. 3) Sorry, I can’t. 是 对邀请的否定回答。 Have to “ 不得不, 必 须 ”, 三单用 has to.

26 have a piano lesson Can you come to my party? another time Sure, I’d love to. go to the concert Sorry, I can’t. I have to…/ I’m v-ing. Thanks for asking. have a piano lesson Can you come to my party? another time Sure, I’d love to. go to the concert Sorry, I can’t. I have to…/ I’m v-ing. Thanks for asking. Homework: invite your friends to come to your party. Make a conversation.

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