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The Colonies Fight for Their Rights! Jeopardy Chapter 4, Section 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Colonies Fight for Their Rights! Jeopardy Chapter 4, Section 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Colonies Fight for Their Rights! Jeopardy Chapter 4, Section 1

2 French & Indian War Colonial Discontent Boston Massacre Stamp Act Crisis Townshend Acts 10 20 30 40 50

3 Townshend Acts - 50 Why did the Daughters of Liberty begin spinning their own cloth, called “homespun”? As a form of boycotting the British

4 Townshend Act - 40 What was Britain’s response to the Virginia Resolve? The House of Burgess was dissolved

5 Townshend Acts - 30 What act put new customs duties on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea imported into the colonies? Revenue Act of 1767

6 Townsend Act - 20 Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer that introduced a series of new regulations and taxes in 1767? Charles Townsend

7 Townsend Act - 10 Who wrote the essays “Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer”? John Dickinson

8 Stamp Act Crisis - 50 After repealing the Stamp Act, what did Parliament do to assert its authority? Pass the Declaratory Act

9 Stamp Act Crisis - 40 Why was the Sons of Liberty organized? To protest the Stamp Act

10 Stamp Act Crisis - 30 Why was the Stamp Act passed? Britain needed money

11 Stamp Act Crisis - 20 Britain repealed the Stamp Act and replaced it with what? Townsend Acts

12 Stamp Act Crisis - 10 How did the colonists protest the Stamp Act? By refusing to buy goods from Britain

13 Boston Massacre - 50 What was the one tax that the British kept on the colonies after the Boston Massacre? The tax on tea

14 Boston Massacre - 40 Who were the first two casualties of the Boston Massacre? Michael Johnson and Crispus Attucks

15 Boston Massacre - 30 When did the Boston Massacre occur? March 5, 1770

16 Boston Massacre - 20 “This occasioned some snowballs to be thrown at them [the British soldiers], which seems to be the only provocation that was given …” – Samuel Drowne According to Drowne, what was the only threat to the British soldiers? snowballs

17 Boston Massacre - 10 How did the British temporarily bring peace to the colonies after the Boston Massacre? By repealing the Townsend Act

18 Colonial Discontent - 50 Who said: “Here is the contrast that stares us in the face. The Parliament in one clause guarding the people of the realm, and securing to them the benefit of tryal by the law of the land, and by the next clause depriving all Americans of that privilege … Is there not in this clause a brand of infamy, or degradation or disgrace, fixed upon every American John Adams

19 Colonial Discontent - 40 How did King George enrage many farmers and land speculators? He issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763

20 Colonial Discontent - 30 What did the Currency Act of 1764 do in the colonies? Banned the use of paper money in the colonies

21 Colonial Discontent - 20 Who was the British prime minister that introduced the Sugar Act? George Grenville

22 Colonial Discontent - 10 After the passing of the Sugar Act, many colonists felt that the British could not tax Americans in order to do what? To raise money

23 French and Indian War - 10 Why did the first skirmish of the French and Indian War occur? Both the French and the British wanted the Ohio River valley.

24 The French and Indian War - 20 What was the fighting in the French and Indian called when it spread into Europe? Seven Years’ War

25 French and Indian War - 30 What was the turning point in the French and Indian War for the British in North America? Quebec

26 French and Indian War - 40 Who ordered a chain of French forts to be built from Lake Ontario to the Ohio River? Marquis Duquesne

27 French and Indian War - 50 What did the Albany Plan of Union propose? That the colonies join together to form a federal government

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