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Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Adapting to Changing Climate, Watersheds, and Ecological Interactions in the Delaware Estuary Danielle Kreeger Science Director Partnership for the Delaware Estuary Watershed discussion of cases study interactions, tipping points, disconnects, synergisms
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
To be discussed The Delaware Estuary: - types of ecological responses to climate change - case study examples to watch in this “giant natural experiment” Adaptation - escalating interest - Climate Ready Pilot - vulnerability assessments - management, policy challenges - restoration or adaptation
Climate Change Adds Complexity to an Already Complex Landscape
Upper Watershed: “pristine” recreational area water supply for NYC Tidal River: 4th largest US urban center world’s largest freshwater port 70% of east coast oil Major industry buildup Lower Estuary: Water fowl, finfish, shellfish Horseshoe crab population 13,611 Square Miles
Seat of the Nation History as a “Working River”
1762 map showing Philadelphia on the Delaware River Slides adapted from Jonathan Sharp, 2005
Also a “Living River”
Delaware Estuary
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Climate Change in the Delaware Estuary
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC Climate Change in the Delaware Estuary Natural Resource Responses Disruption – species or community effects Thresholds – non-linear bio responses Disconnects – de-coupling ecological interactions Synergisms – climate effects + other changes
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Disruption Likely Physical Changes Temp Sea Level Rise Storms Salinity 2. Example Effects on Resources Drinking Water Uplands Tidal Marshes Shellfish In 2006, my group prepared a white paper on the state of science and needs for science and management for our watershed. This was a summary of the top-ten issues. If this were the Chesapeake, we might see eutrophication and nutrients being at the to, for instance. Because of the industrial history and population density, contaminants came out on top. But note that tidal wetlands came in at #2. And others tie-in, such as linkages and relationships with sediment budgets, for example.
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Species Range Shifts
Opportunistic Invasive Species
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC Opportunistic Invasive Species
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Will bio responses be linear? Extent of Climate Change Ecosystem Response Abrupt Response Threshold Not necessarily… Smooth Response Ecosystem Response Extent of Climate Change Slide adapted from Carlos Duarte 12
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Thresholds (Non-linear Responses) Organisms, Populations: Hypoxia triggers stress, mortality Species: Extinction is an Abrupt, irreversible Change Slide adapted from Carlos Duarte 13
Harris, Nixon and Duarte, 2006. Estuaries and Coasts 29: 343–347
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC Global Example of Non-Linear Scaling: The Impact of Temperature Rise on Respiration and Heterotrophic Metabolism Calculated using Metabolic models, a 4 ºC warming is predicted to: increase net primary production by 20%, but increase oxygen consumption by 43% Seagrass Meadows Effects are expected to be most severe in coastal ecosystems Harris, Nixon and Duarte, Estuaries and Coasts 29: 343–347 14
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Slide from Carlos Duarte What are Ecological Thresholds? Non linear shifts in ecosystem status Tipping points or breaking points of the system Once breached, ”recovery” may be slow or unlikely Pressure (Climate change) Knowing where these tipping points are will be extremely valuable to set policy targets (Climate-driven Thresholds) 15
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Example – Nutrients The Expectation Slide and principles, Duarte et al. (submitted) Decreasing Nutrient Inputs Increasing Nutrient Inputs Chlorophyll The Reality Decreasing Nutrient Inputs Increasing Nutrient Inputs Chlorophyll Ecosystem Trajectories Rarely Reverse Course “Reference Values” are Dynamic New Buffers Become Established to Reinforce New Steady States 16
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Delaware Estuary Example: Oysters and Other Bivalve Shellfish Well obviously, protect and conserve, wherever we have an opportunity Measure natural capital and assign values to ecological service flows to increase wetland valuation (e.g. for NRDA) From Rutgers HSRL
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Salt Line Location Oyster Disease and Salinity From Rutgers HSRL From DRBC But as these data from the Rutgers Shellfish Lab show, population abundance measures not based on landings data show a different pattern. These are Rutgers survey data from the upper Bay seed beds since the 1950’s. You can see that this plot shows there was a rebound in numbers in the early 1970’s, but of course, the bottom line is that today’s numbers don’t look anything like the historical carrying capacity.
Salinity and Oysters Eric Powell: A 2 parts per thousand increase in salinity over the seed beds is likely to push the oysters past a point of no return
Intertidal Niche Expansion?
Oyster Management Can they maintain (or be maintained) until they might see more optimal conditions? No Help Longer Growing Season With Help 2 Recruitment Events Intertidal Niche Expansion? Point of No Return Today 2030 2060 Historical data from Rutgers Haskin Shellfish Laboratory
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Oyster Reef Revitalization Eric Powell from the Rutgers lab recently estimated that in 2003 Delaware Bay (NJ seed beds only!) had 2 billion oysters. I’ve measured average body sizes for oysters on reefs subject to commercial fishing to be 0.87 g DTW. An average summer clearance rate was calculated from data in a recent report by Newell et al. In summary, the total water processing by 2 billion oysters is estimated to be 11.2 billion liters per hour across the system (Note that you have probably severely discounted the total extant oyster population by as much as 50% by using Eric’s numbers that are only for a portion of the population in NJ)
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Ecosystem Services Why do we care about bivalves? Well, besides the commercial value of some of the species, they’re of critical importance for ecosystem services in many of the world’s aquatic systems. Like other suspension-feeding organisms living in different habitats worldwide, bivalves feed at the base of the food chain on a rich diet of microparticulate material. In doing so, they can attain terrific population biomass and abundance, and were they do they are known to be functional dominant species that regulate key processes and provide essential habitat.
Clean Water Start No mussels 8 adult mussels
Slide from Catherine Gatenby, USFWS
Biofiltration Potential
Later No mussels 8 adult mussels Slide from Catherine Gatenby, USFWS
Marsh Mussels Freshwater Mussels CTUIR Freshwater Mussel Project
Living Shorelines 2008
Food Webs and Cooperative Networks
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC Disconnects – Decoupled Interactions Food Webs and Cooperative Networks Changes in phenology and or lags in range displacement with climate change Changes in the timing of fish hatching relative to the proliferation of their predators may lead to population collapse Slide from Carlos Duarte 26
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Hypothetical Scenario: Decoupling of Horseshoe Crab Spawning and Shorebird Migration Well obviously, protect and conserve, wherever we have an opportunity Measure natural capital and assign values to ecological service flows to increase wetland valuation (e.g. for NRDA) Website slides are from the Delaware Shorebird Project and the Horseshoe Crab Conservation Network
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Synergisms – Climate & Other Changes Together “… The interaction between climate change and habitat loss might be disastrous. During climate change, the habitat threshold occurs sooner. Similarly, species suffer more from climate change in a fragmented habitat.”
Hot Topics Land Use Change Ecological Flows Spills, NRDA Dredging
Withdrawals Inundation, SLR Horseshoe Crabs, Red Knots Emerging Pollutants
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Wetlands So, there’s a lot of interest at the moment in what lessons we can learn from Katrina and Rita. In many ways, the DE Estuary is much like the Gulf, with a high dependence on naturally high turbidity. As channels are deepened, people are now asking whether this could increase net export of suspended sediments, for instance.
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Tidal Wetlands A Signature Trait of System Near Contiguous Band Diverse: Freshwater Tidal Marshes Brackish Marshes Salt Marshes Ecological Values: Structural biodiversity habitat for fish and wildlife nurseries for imperiled taxa Functional food web water quality flood protection Rutgers University As I said, the tidal wetlands in our system are diverse, following this wide salinity gradient, ranging from fw tidal in the north to full salt marshes and salt brines in the southern areas. Like all tidal marshes, these provide important ecological services. Indeed, due to their sheer vastness, combined with the backdrop of industry and major water quality challenges, many scientists consider these marshes to be our kidneys or lungs at the ecosystem level. Concerns, like here in the Gulf, see level rise, combined with land subsidence and possibly increased storms, are seen as a major threat There is a lot of interest at this time in the state of our sediments budgets. Degradation and marsh die back
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Degradation This is the Athos I spill on Thanksgiving weekend, 2004. Trash in our city parks. Leachate from contaminated sites There is no doubt these wetlands have faced a wide diversity of insults, and There are reports that document many species of vegetation native to our fwt marshes are now extirpated from the system
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Conversion: e.g., Freshwater Tidal Wetlands Past and Present Pre-Settlement ? 1973 (Patrick et al.) 2310 ha 1981 (NWI) ha (all classes) 597 ha (emergent) 1988 (Tiner & Wilen) 1000 ha Estimated < 5% remains Data tough to come by, but here is best estimate
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
1992 Tidal Wetlands Concerns: Degradation Conversion & Loss Sea level rise Canary Creek Marsh, DE 2006 Seen at fixed locations SLR with my own eyes This affects our system in multiple ways – for example, salinity increase harms FWT wetlands, oyster reefs, etc.
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Sea Level Rise and Erosion Seen at fixed locations and in aerial imagery Courtesy D. Bushek, Rutgers Combine SLR, possibly stronger and more frequent storms, larger open water bodies with high fetch, and we get rapid erosion. This is a big problem, and often occurs in interior pond areas as well as along the high energy open shoreline. Courtesy J. Gebert, ACOE
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Tidal Wetlands Concerns: Degradation Conversion & Loss Sea Level Rise Storms Storms – we do get them, just not as frequent. A cat 3 storm meandering into Delmarva and winding up the western side of the bay would be a bad scenario With the tidal forcing
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Tidal Wetlands Concerns: Degradation Conversion and Loss Sea Level Rise Storms Sediment budget Living Shorelines 2008 We need sediment! DE Estuary is naturally turbid, has a turbidity maximum in the middle estuary But Chris Sommerfield at UDel recently pointed out that channel deepening could be altering the sediment profiles by increasing net export of TSS, effectively depriving/starving tidal marshes of their necessary sediments.
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Sudden Wetland Dieback – Marsh Browning Angola Neck – Rehoboth Bay, DE Summer, 2006 Here’s another shot, and again see the green near the ditches. I’ll talk about sediment budgets in a minute, but it does make you wonder if the ditching is altering the hydrology leading to pot-holing in the interior areas where sea level rise may offset sediment accretion rates Slide from Chris Bason (Center for Inland Bays, DE)
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Challenges Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC Disruption – direct effects Disconnects – de-coupling effects Thresholds – non-linear responses Synergisms – climate + other changes (But Let’s Be Positive) - Opportunities Climate Change will be a giant Natural Experiment Bivalve Shellfish and Tidal Marshes are ideal for studying climate change effects, and for testing adaptation strategies (adaptively) Sea level, salinity, temperature and suspended sediment are important environmental factors for bivalves and marshes Climate change will alter these environmental conditions Land use change, channel deepening, and changes in freshwater inflow are also likely to alter these conditions How will bivalves and tidal wetlands respond to the combined effects? How will their life-sustaining ecosystem services be altered?
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
So what can we do? The Hapless Marsh
Plans for Adaptation Plans
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC Plans for Adaptation Plans High Need Escalating Interest New Programs Still.. Little On-the-Ground Action Recent CSO Survey: 80% of coastal states plan to develop sea level rise adaptation plans only 3 have made any progress no standard approach little federal coordination
Adaptation Needs (in addition to mitigation)
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC Adaptation Needs (in addition to mitigation) Vulnerability – forecast and assess risks Opportunity – identify activities that can help us maintain key natural resources that are vulnerable Obstacles – identify potential barriers to action (e.g., interstate cooperation, data comparability, etc.) Adaptation Plan – discrete recommendations for filling crucial information needs, capitalizing on the greatest opportunities, and overcoming obstacles
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
PDE Climate Ready Pilot See poster by Cole et al. Goal – perform a vulnerability assessment and adaptation plan for one or more case studies: tidal wetlands, shellfish, drinking water Tasks Vulnerability/Risk Assessment - inventory threats to natural resources using best judgment Valuation - Assess natural goods and services that are at risk using a natural capital framework Identify Options – List management response scenarios, including early warning monitoring needs, and prioritize adaptation options to safeguard resources at risk Recommendations - Provide managers and policy-makers guidance on how to achieve greatest natural resource outcomes
PDE Climate Ready Approach
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC PDE Climate Ready Approach Adaptive Adaptation Climate Workgroup Case Study Subgroups Prioritization Outreach, Education, Messaging Adaptation Plan Management and Policy
PDE Climate Ready Pilot
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC PDE Climate Ready Pilot Rigor - qualitative approach initially, but will identify future options and data needs for quantitative, geospatial-based assessments Future strengthen case study assessments by filling information needs expand the approach to other critical natural resources broaden the geographic applicability by working with other CRE pilots and NEP’s develop “Adaptable Adaptation Plans” that can evolve as new information and feedbacks comes to light (Contingent on public will and resources)
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Lesson #1: Be Realistic The Expectation Slide and principles, Duarte et al. (submitted) Decreasing Nutrient Inputs Increasing Nutrient Inputs Chlorophyll If: Ecosystem Trajectories Rarely Reverse Course Reference Values are Dynamic New Buffers Become Established to Reinforce New Steady States Then: In some cases, smart investments in ADAPTATION may yield greater long-term natural capital than “RESTORATION” to prior conditions The Reality Decreasing Nutrient Inputs Increasing Nutrient Inputs Chlorophyll 46
Introduction to the ICEC/USNVC
Tidal Wetlands Adaptation Planning Goal: Maximize long-term ecosystem health and resiliency Tough Choices Where will wetlands will be converted to open water? Where can we save them ? Where is strategic retreat the best option? And what we’re here to discuss at this meeting – monitoring. We really need to get serious about monitoring not only the extent of different wetland types, and assigning values to them, but also monitoring their health. Why?
What Else Can We Do. 1. CCMP Implementation
What Else Can We Do? CCMP Implementation Continue our basic charge to restore, protect and conserve, but intelligently, accepting that in some cases the “optimal” condition is a moving target 2. Mitigation Work to slow climate change 3. Science Better understand, monitor, and predict likely consequences - disruption, disconnects, thresholds, interactions, +/- feedbacks 4. Ecosystem Modeling Explain the natural balance and functional importance of key linkages among primary resource components to be discussed in the Monday evening panel 5. Collaborate Work together to develop a coordinated adaptation strategy
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