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Deliberation. “Deliberation as a type of dialogue is typified by the argumentation in a town hall meeting, where a group of concerned citizens get together.

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Presentation on theme: "Deliberation. “Deliberation as a type of dialogue is typified by the argumentation in a town hall meeting, where a group of concerned citizens get together."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deliberation

2 “Deliberation as a type of dialogue is typified by the argumentation in a town hall meeting, where a group of concerned citizens get together to discuss and attempt to solve a practical problem. They discuss different ways of proceeding or propose solutions…the aim is for them to come to agreement on a line of action or policy they can implement together.” -D. Walton The New Dialectic

3 Goals Hazard mapping Quantification of hazard Quantification of risk Emergency trigger Emergency response Damage assessment Others?

4 Alternatives How would we most efficiently achieve these goals? What is the role of GPS in each of these goals? What practical schemes are possible?

5 Obstacles What practical obstacles exist to the alternatives? How can we address these obstacles? Do obstacles prohibit particular alternatives?

6 Side effects What side effects occur as a result of the alternatives? Can we do realistic cost-benefit assessments? Do side effects preclude any of our alternatives?

7 Conclusions What should we do next? What is our long-term plan? Can we achieve our goals?

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