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ARE YOU IN? THEN…NOW…WHAT’S NEXT? Presented by Fiona MacAlpine.

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Presentation on theme: "ARE YOU IN? THEN…NOW…WHAT’S NEXT? Presented by Fiona MacAlpine."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARE YOU IN? THEN…NOW…WHAT’S NEXT? Presented by Fiona MacAlpine

2 First walk in 2003 2 days, 60 km walk with overnight camp out 97% women of all ages Participants must raise $2000 2Fiona MacAlpine

3 Became the Weekend to End Women’s Cancers in 2009 Now have the option of a 1 day 30km walk – These participants raise $1250 This year’s walk raised $10.8 M 4,633 walkers To date the walk has raised $110 M 3Fiona MacAlpine

4 Began in 2008 200 km 2 day bike ride overnight camp out 61 % male Participants must raise a minimum of $2500 First year goal of $10 M & 2000 participants End result $14 M & 2850 participants 4Fiona MacAlpine

5 Participants have the option of a 200 mile or 200 km ride Raised $16.4 M in 2010 4108 riders 5Fiona MacAlpine

6 Franchising Successful Events

7 Where Are They Now? Weekend to End Women’s Cancers Toronto Ottawa Montreal Alberta Vancouver Ride to Conquer Cancer Ontario Quebec Alberta BC 7Fiona MacAlpine

8 Outsourcing The Events Outsource the event to a company – Manages all the walks and rides and ensures similar techniques are used throughout – Ensures the policies set forth by PMH are followed through PMH does make money off franchising their events – Percentage remains confidential 8Fiona MacAlpine

9 Road Hockey To Conquer Cancer

10 Starting in 2011 10-12 games of 3 on 3 road hockey Expecting event demographics to be mostly males aged 20-50 Participants must raise $1250 Goal of $ 4 M Plans to expand to smaller Canadian cities in the years to come 10Fiona MacAlpine

11 What You Can Bring To Your NPO? Implementing Good Fundraising Techniques

12 Things PMHF Events have Taught Us Have options – Cross many demographics with your events – Within the same event have more then one, a difficult and less difficult challenge – Ways to participate Participant Crew Volunteer Have fundraising goals for participants to guarantee minimum revenue 12Fiona MacAlpine

13 Things PMHF Events have Taught Us Get people signed up for next year right after they’ve finished and are feeling great about the event Franchise successful events to other communities 13Fiona MacAlpine

14 SO…ARE YOU IN? For more information visit

15 Sources room room outevent outevent Lisa Tinker, Clinical Trials Nurse Educator, e-mail interview, November 11, 2010 Alanna Rubino, Manager Business, Strategic Initiative Weekend to End Women’s Cancer, phone interview, November 17,2010 Shawn Burt, Manager Business Development and Chief Hockey Officer, Oral presentation to PMH staff, November 15, 2010 Katrina MacAlpine, Manager of Clinical Oncology, November 10, 2010 15Fiona MacAlpine

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