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Operations 105, Class 3 Architectural Process. Guest Lecturer John was raised in Memphis, Tennessee, but gladly claims to be a Volunteer Texan! John received.

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1 Operations 105, Class 3 Architectural Process

2 Guest Lecturer John was raised in Memphis, Tennessee, but gladly claims to be a Volunteer Texan! John received his BARCH at the University of Arkansas at the Fay Jones School of Architecture, and subsequently worked for Mr. Jones. After his early career in Arkansas where he worked with his present partner, Bob, John moved to Austin for graduate education in the Charles Moore program at UT. He taught at Texas A & M for a period, and then founded the Austin firm Jackson Architecture 20 years ago, which soon became Jackson Galloway Associates. John enjoys art and many outdoor activities, but most of all he takes pride in designing places and things of beauty. John Jackson, AIA, RID

3 Class 3—Architectural Process We will devote two classes to hearing from an architect about the architectural process. To build a great building for your church, you must understand the issues from the architect’s perspective. What is the architectural process? Where does one begin—a phone call, a lunch or an offer to design? This leads into the “Request for Proposal” process. Whether you have skilled building professionals and contractors in your congregation or not, church leaders need to know the basics of the RFP process. Leaders must also understand the elementals of working with regulatory bodies, Temporary Use Permits (TUP) and Conditional Use Permits (CUP) and how to obtain the necessary building approvals.

4 First things First  What do we want to accomplish in these two sessions?  My main goal - God is honored  My secondary goal - Give good info away, expand gospel  What do you hope to accomplish? Chat some answers to David.  Objectives to assist those goals  How to be a Great Client!  Understanding the Architectural Process  Implementation of the process

5 How to be a Great Client  Pastor the process  Unify the players, process, and people  Cast Spiritual Vision  Know and Communicate your DNA  Is this a business deal or seen as mission?  Are buildings inherently evil?  Building as a means, not end, to worship

6 How to be a Great Client  Speak with one voice  Exactly who is the client???  Staff’s Role  Building Committee Role  Church Role  Choose an Outstanding Team  Who are the team members?  Client Team  Project Team  Construction

7 How to be a Great Client


9  Accept Wise Counsel  Celebrate and Connect

10 Process of Hiring the Architect  Letter of Interest  Request for Qualifications (RFQ)  Request for Proposal (RFP)  Interview  Award the project

11 Next week  Next week we will dig into: “The Typical Architectural Process”. Feel free to read ahead on your handout to be familiar with the lingo. We will also review some documents of representative projects.

12 Q & A Send Questions via Chat

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