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Opera Collaboration Meeting Hamburg, 3.-5. Juni 2004 Caren Hagner Precision Tracker: Schedule and Funding Issues 1 SM = 96 Modules 1 Module: 4 planes,

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Presentation on theme: "Opera Collaboration Meeting Hamburg, 3.-5. Juni 2004 Caren Hagner Precision Tracker: Schedule and Funding Issues 1 SM = 96 Modules 1 Module: 4 planes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opera Collaboration Meeting Hamburg, 3.-5. Juni 2004 Caren Hagner Precision Tracker: Schedule and Funding Issues 1 SM = 96 Modules 1 Module: 4 planes, each plane 12 tubes First 2 Modules

2 Opera Collaboration Meeting Hamburg, 3.-5. Juni 2004 Caren Hagner Funding Present BMBF funding period: jan2004 – june2006 Uni Hamburg receives funds for march2004-june2006 ~ 1.05 Mio Euro (asked in 2004 for 1.6 Mio Euro: invest 900k, salaries 520k + travel & transp.) Money flow from BMBF: 2004: 370kEuro 2005: 490kEuro 2006: 190kEuro this is the cost for 1 SM (~2/3 of full material cost, ~1/2 salaries, 1/2 tt) (Updated) need to complete full detector in time: 330kEuro (Material) + 370kEuro (man power) = 700kEuro Note: No funding for full gas system (only development & prototype) HERA-B muon gs ?

3 Opera Collaboration Meeting Hamburg, 3.-5. Juni 2004 Caren Hagner Time schedule Within present funding scheme ( 1 SM in 2006) 2004: starting phase in August if possible: first 20 modules ready end of 2004 2005: full massproduction (60 modules) start of installation in GS (80 modules) commissioning of the system 2006: production of the rest (16 modules) installation of the rest (16 modules) in GS commissioning

4 Opera Collaboration Meeting Hamburg, 3.-5. Juni 2004 Caren Hagner Option for full detector All material bought in 2004 (for production in 05) In 2004 we plan: Still essential design tests to perform (injection mold pieces, cleaning procedure, verify resolution,…) if ok, then mass ordering very difficult to accelerate in 2004 Additional man power in 2005 to speed up mass production: production speed 2modules/week (4 persons) can be increased to 4modules/week (8 persons) further increase only with new production line

5 Opera Collaboration Meeting Hamburg, 3.-5. Juni 2004 Caren Hagner Time schedule for both scenarios  current planning: one super module  scenario A  to discuss: two super modules = whole detector  scenario B Scenario A: time/operationMP HHInstall. GS from 08/2004 initial phase of MP 20 from 09/200440 01/2005 start MP 40 03/2005 start install. GS 43 04/2005 commissioning 43 (inst.+com.) 06/2006 SM1 installed  46 = 7 total time/operationMP HHInstall. GS 08/2004 initial phase of MP 20 09/200440 12/200450 01/2005 start MP 80 03/2005 start install. GS 83 04/2005 commissioning 86 09/2005 SM1 installed 03/2006 SM2 installed  86 = 14 total Scenario B: additional money: 330 K€ material 370 k€ man power  700 k€ total

6 Opera Collaboration Meeting Hamburg, 3.-5. Juni 2004 Caren Hagner Discussions on some agreement between INFN-BMBF in starting phase. Yesterday meeting with local BMBF responsibles

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