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1 MPLS-TP Use Case and Design Considerations draft-fang-mpls-tp-use-cases-and-design-02.txt Luyuan Nabil

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Presentation on theme: "1 MPLS-TP Use Case and Design Considerations draft-fang-mpls-tp-use-cases-and-design-02.txt Luyuan Nabil"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MPLS-TP Use Case and Design Considerations draft-fang-mpls-tp-use-cases-and-design-02.txt Luyuan Nabil Raymond Zhang Masahiro Jianping Dan Mach Lei Nurit Sprecher Nov. 11, 2010 79 IETF, Beijing, China

2 2 Objectives and Status Objectives: –Provide MPLS-TP use case studies –Serve as best practice guide with network design considerations Intended category: Informational Status: –00 and 01 draft issued before IETF 78 –Present 02 draft IETF 79 MPLS WG

3 Draft Outline Overview of MPLS-TP base functions – MPLS-TP development principles – Data Plane – Control Plane – OAM – Survivability MPLS-TP Use Case Studies – Mobile Backhaul – Metro Access and Aggregation – Packet Optical Transport Network Design Considerations –IP/MPLS vs. MPLS-TP –Standards compliance –Delay and delay variation –General network design considerations MPLS-TP Deployment Considerations –Network Modes Selection –Provisioning Modes Selection

4 Key points for design considerations MPLS-TP is part of MPLS –With subset of existing features and extended to new features End-to-end MPLS solutions –MPLS-TP extensions address transport specific needs –Flexibility to combine IP/MPLS with MPLS-TP MPLS-TP and MPLS inter-operability –Data plane: same as MPLS today –OAM: using MPLS OAM as foundation –Consistent end-to-end OAM model General design considerations –Operational experience –Multi-service support? –LTE consideration –Network evolution path Deployment considerations –Deployment options: access, aggregation, core? –Integration of IP/MPLS and MPLS-TP domains –Provisioning modes: static config vs. dynamic control plane

5 5 Next Steps Collect comments/input from WGs Issue 03 draft after IETF 79

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