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Caselex The battle for cases Marc de Vries Caselex San Sebastian, 21 April 2009.

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1 Caselex The battle for cases Marc de Vries Caselex San Sebastian, 21 April 2009

2 Unique legal database Collection of important national court cases linked to European community law Allowing for free movement of case law so that legal community in Europe can learn from each other 2 What is Caselex? National scope before CaselexEuropean scope after Caselex

3 How does the Caselex factory work? PROCESS adding value by editors Caselex database INPUTOUTPUT Case law court s Gov t Law firm unis Summary native language Translation of summary in English Metadata Full text COURTS RENDER

4 What are the hurdles Caselex is facing? Access? Acces sibility? Authori zation? Fair pricing? Transparent? Non- Discriminatory? I need to get to cases I need specific cases I need to reuse these cases Conditions need to be fair EU PSI Directive National Copyright Database rights National Practical, no legal obligations National Access laws to PSI

5 Access to and re-use of case law (2006) Patchwork of regimes Different re-use conditions from country to country – Conditions vary: copyright, sui generis, pricing – Lack of (standard) licenses State of flux & organised ”chaos” in managing public sector information resources

6 Some less good practices Liechtenstein: complete silence Poland: trade secret Luxemburg: drop by, make a photo copy Portugal: 5000 euros please UK: late delivery Denmark: please go to Lexis Nexis

7 What does Caselex need? Redress is too costly, too time consuming SMEs can not bite hand that feeds them Legislation is the just the beginning, it is now down to making things happen It is down to Member States, not EU Policy makers that ensure compliance with PSI Directive Force courts and holders of case law that fair and transparant re-use regimes apply

8 Muchas gracias! CASELEX SARL Marc de Vries + 31 653897002

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