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Friendship calendar. January montuewedthursfridaysatursund 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27282931 1 30 To the next month.

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Presentation on theme: "Friendship calendar. January montuewedthursfridaysatursund 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27282931 1 30 To the next month."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friendship calendar

2 January montuewedthursfridaysatursund 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27282931 1 30 To the next month

3 February montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 12 3456789 101112131516 17181920212223 2425262728 14 To the next month

4 March montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 12 456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 242627282930 31 3 25 To the next month

5 montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 123456 78910111213 141516171819 21222324252627 282930 APRIL 20 To the next month

6 MAY montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 2 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 31 1 To the next month

7 montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 15 To the next month

8 montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 123456 78910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 JULY To the next month

9 August montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 31 15 To the next month

10 September montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930 11 To the next month

11 montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 31 28 To the next month

12 montuewedthursfridaysatursunday 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 17 To the next month

13 montuewedthurfridaysatursun 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 293031 25 Click here to go back to January

14 First of January On the first of January we are eating food like meat.After the food we are eating βασιλόπιτα (Santa's Claus pie),with a gold coin.We are waiting for the change of the year. Clik here to go back to calendar Clik here to go back to calendar

15 Third of January On the third of January we celebrate the three ierarches.We go to the church and we don't go to the school. Click here to go back to calendar

16 14 of February On the14 of February we celebrate the Valentines day.The lovers send gifts to their's girls. Click here to go back to calendar

17 3 of March On 3 of March we wear our funny clothes and we go to school to dance. Back to calendar

18 25 of March On 25 of March we are doing a parelion and we don't go at school. Back to Calendar

19 20 of April On 20 of April we celebrate the Easter.We are eating lamp or sheep. Back to Calendar

20 The 1 st of May On the 1 st of May we don't go to school.We celebrate the flowers. Back to Calendar

21 15 of june On 15 of june the school stops and for 3 months we don't go there. Back to Calendar

22 15 of august At this day all girls called Mary have celebration. Back to Calendar Back to Calendar

23 11 of September On 11 of September schools begin.This is the worst day of the year. Back to Calendar Back to Calendar

24 28 of October On 28 of October we are doing parelion and we don't go to school. Back to Calendar

25 17 of November On 17 of November we don't go to school. Back to Calendar

26 25 of december On 25 of December we have Christmas and we don't go to school for 2 weeks. Back to Calendar

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