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Assessment at Castle Batch 2015. Assessment is at the heart of teaching and learning at our school: It provides evidence to guide teaching and learning.

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1 Assessment at Castle Batch 2015

2 Assessment is at the heart of teaching and learning at our school: It provides evidence to guide teaching and learning It provides the opportunity for children to demonstrate and review their progress. It is inclusive of all abilities. Outcomes are readily shared with all stakeholders at our school. We regularly moderate our assessments across our school, with the local authority and with national expectations.

3 At Castle Batch we use the learning objectives set out in Classroom Monitor (National Curriculum 2014) to plan our curriculum for Maths, Writing and Reading. We assess our children against these objectives and use this information to plan future learning pathways. Using Classroom Monitor we record pupil achievements and progress and this enables us to:

4 Set out steps so that the majority of our children reach or exceed the end of Key Stage expectations and make at least expected progress; Evaluate pupil progress; Identify where children are falling behind as well as recognising where children are exceeding expectations; Support teachers in planning an exciting and appropriate learning journey for our children, develops teaching through regular and relevant CPD and allows us to identify whole school development needs; Report regularly to all stakeholders on the progress and attainment of our children.

5 How do we assess the children? (formative) Sophisticated use of probing questions; Setting independent tasks which challenge and extend children’s learning; phased teaching to assess and address children’s needs; making specific and detailed observations; pupil conferencing; use of marking and feedback to identify next steps; individual and negotiated targets; Use of fluid grouping within the classroom that allow children to select their own level of challenge;

6 Summative Assessment National Standardised end of Key Stage SATs – Y2 and Y6 National Phonics screening at the end of Y1 Baseline assessment on entry in YR End of unit tasks in Maths, Reading and SPAG – Rising Stars- across the school Weekly spelling and times table tests Termly handwriting levels End of term/year summary from Classroom Monitor This information is used together with formative assessments to plan future learning and to communicate with parents, carers and other stakeholders.

7 Self and Peer Assessment At Castle Batch the children are very involved in evaluating their learning and in supporting their peers by offering constructive feedback. This enables the children to identify what they need to do next to improve their learning.

8 Assessment in the Reception Classes Assessment is an integral part of the EYFS. Tapestry is used to capture children’s learning as a digital learning diary. Regular observations of the children and scaffolded support enable next steps to be identified for individuals and provision is planned to support achievement and progress. 2015/16 is the first year that the EYFSP is no longer statutory, however it is good practice to track progress of pupils and groups and so we will continue to use the North Somerset Profile to enter our progress and outcomes until the use of Tapestry and Classroom monitor is embedded. We will then be able to look for patterns and trends to improve our provision for children. Feedback for children is verbal and is responsive to the learning at that moment. Play is closely scaffolded to enable adults to make accurate assessment of where the children are at that point and what they need next.

9 What is Classroom monitor? This is an online resources which enables us to plan our curriculum for Maths, Writing and Reading. We record our assessments of the children’s learning and it enables us to track progress and attainment. Let’s have a look

10 Any questions?

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