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Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Sec 4 & 5 parents seminar 20 February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Sec 4 & 5 parents seminar 20 February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Sec 4 & 5 parents seminar 20 February 2016

2 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Achieving academic excellence a) Post-secondary options b) MF programmes c) Tips for parents

3 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit What are the various Post-Secondary School options available?

4 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Post O-level Options Based on a student’s O-Level exam he/she could… enrol in a Junior College or Millennia Institute (A-Level) enrol in ITE (Higher Nitec). Possibility of entering Poly if he/she does well enough enrol in a Polytechnic (diploma) enrol in NAFA or LaSalle (unique arts programmes )

5 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Junior Colleges (JCs) & Millennia Institute

6 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Junior Colleges (JCs) & Millennia Institute Length of study: JCs – 2 years MI – 3 years Prepares students for ‘A’ levels and tertiary education

7 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit What does one study at the A-Level? H1H2H3 Half of H2 in terms of curriculum time Equivalent to ‘A’ level subjects prior to 2006. Subjects with opportunity for in-depth study (e.g. advanced content, research paper, university module). Select subjects from three levels of study: Usual subject combination: 3H2s + 1H1

8 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Entry into JC or MI 2 possible ways O-Level results meet the school’s cut-off point Direct School Admission (DSA-JC) - JCs recognise special talents and aptitudes through discretionary admission To enter a JC: L1R5 must be <= 20 To enter MI: L1R4 must be <= 20

9 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Admission Criteria for Junior College Aggregate of English & 5 Relevant subjects (L1R5) ≤ 20 points L1R5 for top 5 JCs  10 points L1R1R2R3R4R5 A1  C6 HumanitiesMath or Science Humanities or Math or Science Best other subject

10 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Student A SubjectO-level gradeSubjectO-level grade English LanguageA2BiologyA1 MathematicsB3ChemistryC5 Additional Mathematics B3Combined Humanities (SS/Geog) A2 Chinese LanguageA1CCAA1 L1R5? L1R1R2R3R4R5 A1  C6 HumanitiesMath or Science Humanities or Math or Science Best other subject 12 points

11 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit MI Admission Requirements 3-Year Course (Millenia Institute) L1R4 aggregateEnglish Language/ Higher Mother Tongue Mother Tongue Language (CL/ ML/ TL) Mathematics/ Additional Mathematics Points/ Grade5 to 20 pointsA1 to C6A1 to D7 Your CCA grade could be considered if you are enrolling into Millenia Institute. Typical L1R4 calculation = English + 2 (Combined Humanities/Science/Math ) + 2 Best subjects including CCA

12 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Sources of Bonus Points to offset L1R5 or L1R4 CCA Grades Pass in English and Higher Mother Tongue Affiliation to the school Pass in a 3 rd Language Students who apply for and are accepted into CLEP and MLEP

13 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit

14 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Polytechnics

15 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Polytechnics Courses are market driven and career oriented Students graduate with a Diploma Ready to enter the workforce

16 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Entry into Poly 3 possible ways Using O-Level results – Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) Through the Direct Polytechnic Admission (DPA) Exercise Through the Joint Polytechnic Special Admissions Exercise (JPSAE)

17 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Entry into Poly Using O-Level results – Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) Students must also qualify for the Min Entry Requirements for the course they want to pursue ELR2B2 is used for admissions into the Polytechnics.  English Language  2 RELEVANT subjects for the course applied for  2 other best subjects

18 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit

19 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Student B SubjectO-level gradeSubjectO-level grade English Language B3Science (Phy / Chem) A1 MathematicsA2D&TA2 LiteratureB3Combined Humanities (SS/Geog) C5 Chinese Language B3CCAA1 L1R2B2 for Business Course? EL + Math + Literature + 2 Best Subjects 11 points

20 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Entry into Poly Through the Direct Polytechnic Admission ( DPA ) Exercise Benefits of DPA? Confirm a place in a particular course before your O-level examination.

21 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Entry into Poly Through the Direct Polytechnic Admission ( DPA ) Exercise Who should apply: Individuals who have an interest and aptitude for polytechnic education e.g. “I am good at filming and video production, hence I want to apply to Media Studies”.

22 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit DPA Application Process and Timeline 1.Application (Early July) Students can apply for DSA (max 3 courses) via 2. Selection & Interviews (Mid Jul – Mid Aug) Interviews will be conducted for the shortlisted DPA applicants 3. Offer and Acceptance (Late Aug) Offers will be made to successful applications

23 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit DPA Application Process and Timeline 4. Withdrawal (by October) If a student would like to withdraw from the DPA Exercise to participate in JAE and JPSAE, he must submit his withdrawal before the deadline. 5. Jumpstart your life in 8 weeks of Fun! (February – April) Polytechnic Preparatory Program (PPP)

24 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Entry into Poly Through the Joint Polytechnic Special Admissions Exercise ( JPSAE ) Requirements: Demonstration of strong passion and/or aptitude for a particular course Outstanding talents/achievements in leadership, community service, entrepreneurship, sports, artistic and creative areas

25 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Entry into Poly Through the Joint Polytechnic Special Admissions Exercise ( JPSAE ) Who should apply: Students with special aptitude and talents, strong CCA records or who are outstanding in sports or community service contribution Application: after the release of the O-level results.

26 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit The SIT was set up primarily to enable Poly graduates to upgrade themselves and obtain an university degree. Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)

27 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit JCs/MI vs Polytechnic Questions for students to consider when making a decision

28 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit JCs/MI vs Polytechnic – Questions for students to consider 1.Would you prefer to delve deeper into academia (e.g. Math, Science, Humanities) or do you prefer learning that is tied to specific industries and work-ready qualification?

29 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit 2.Would you prefer sitting for a summative examination (JC) or would you thrive better in a modular assessment setting (Poly)? 3.Are you considering working before pursing further qualifications? JCs/MI vs Polytechnic – Questions for students to consider

30 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit 4.Do you have a specific job which you are interested in? 5.Are you more of a conceptual learner or do you prefer a more hands-on learning environment? JCs/MI vs Polytechnic – Questions for students to consider

31 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Gearing up for excellence

32 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Gearing up TermKey Programmes Two Complete the teaching of syllabus CCA stand-down by end April Bridging programme for Sec 5 students Supplementary programme for Sec 4 students Preliminary Examination 1 (3 May – 12 May) MT Intensive lessons June GCE O Level MT examination Camp Challenge II Completion of coursework for Design & Technology, Art and Food & Nutrition subjects

33 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Gearing up TermKey Programmes Three Remedial / Supplementary lessons Afternoon consultations Night Study Preliminary Examination 2 (15 Aug – 29 Aug) Sept Remedial lessons Four Remedial / Supplementary lessons Afternoon consultations Night Study Mock examinations

34 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Academic targets 4 Express – L1R512 points 5 Normal Academic – L1B4 12 points

35 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Tips

36 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Tips for parents Preparation for O-level examinations Regular attendance in school and in CCAs Regular attendance at remedial or supplementary programmes Physical well-being Adequate rest Peak performance and alertness at the right time Nutrition and supplements

37 C2HAMPS Parents Guide

38 C2HAMPS Mobile Apps Search for C2HAMPS on Apple’s App Store or Google Play iOS App 6075?mt=8 Android App elchemi.c2hamps&hl=en

39 Configure the app When the app is first launched after being installed, you may be prompted if you wish to receive notifications. Please select OK to allow the app to receive notifications from the school. You will first need to search for your child’s school. Type in the first few letters of your school name and tap on the search button on your on-screen keyboard Select your school name from the list of results. This will save your school name in the app’s settings.

40 Logging On Type in your user ID and password which is provided by the school and tap on the “Login” button Userid is with a ‘P’ appended in front of your child’s birth cert/NRIC no. i.e. ‘PTXXXXXXXA’ Default password is ‘Passw0rd’. You will be prompted to change your password at the 1 st log-on Subsequently, if you had forgotten your password, your can do a self-reset and the new password will be sent to your email account Note: if you had chosen the wrong school in the previous step, you can tap on the “Cancel” button to go back and re-select your school

41 Menu To access a module within C2HAMPS, simply tap on the name of the module you wish to access.

42 View Notifications When the school sends a message to you, you will receive a notification on your device. As the notification message may not be displayed in full, you would need to log on to the app to view the full message Tap on the message in the message list to view the whole message Envelope icon indicates new unread message Tap close to close the message box Tap delete to remove the message from your list of messages

43 CCA Attendance You can view your child’s CCA attendance records for the year If your child is in more than 1 CCA, you can choose which CCA attendance records to view List of CCAs Only shown if your child is taking more than 1 CCA Tap on CCA name to view attendance records Tap to go back to select another CCA CCA Attendance Summary

44 My Child’s Calendar You can view your child’s school schedule including school events, homework information and CCA schedules Switch the view of the calendar Tap on down arrow to expand and choose calendars Tap on event item to view pop up of event details

45 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Hard work, hard work and more hard work!

46 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Information on post-secondary options Calculations of aggregates Cut-off points for Junior Colleges and courses in Polytechnics Worksheet on target setting with your child Encouraging them to give effective effort

47 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit What does it mean to work hard? Time Focus Resourcefulness Use of feedback Persistence Commitmen t

48 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Effective Effort Time: A willingness to spend the hours needed to finish the job well Focus: Concentrating only on the work, no hand phone, no computer game, no TV or other distractions. Resourcefulness: Knowing where to go and whom to ask for help when I am really stuck.

49 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit Effective Effort Use of Feedback: Looking carefully at responses to my work so I know exactly what to fix Commitment: Being determined to finish and do my very best work Persistence: If one strategy isn’t working, trying different ones until I find one that works.

50 Mighty in Thought & Deed A Zest for Life, A Curious Mind & A Generous Spirit “Important achievements require a clear focus, all out effort, and a bottomless trunk full of strategies. Plus allies in learning.”

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