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Wednesday – March 12, 2014 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Answer the following in your notebook: The Sopranos (TV show), The Godfather (movie), Scarface (movie),

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday – March 12, 2014 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Answer the following in your notebook: The Sopranos (TV show), The Godfather (movie), Scarface (movie),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday – March 12, 2014 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Answer the following in your notebook: The Sopranos (TV show), The Godfather (movie), Scarface (movie), A Bronx Tale (movie) What are some ways that mafia bosses make money? Aim: How did the manor system (manorialism) meet the needs of the people during the Middle Ages?

2 The Middle Ages “Feudalism reminds me of the mafia/gangs” How was the feudal system similar to the mafia? Extortion (also called shakedown) is a criminal offense of obtaining money, property, and/or services from a person, or institution by force or intimidation.

3 Activity We will read the handout, How did the medieval manor provide a self-sufficient community together.



6 Manorialism Lords and peasants worked together to support one another. The wealth of the lords came by the labors of the peasants who worked their lands. In return, the lords protected the peasants, offered them shelter, and insured that they were fed. The lands of a lord were referred to as a manor. A manor might be small and only include a few hundred acres, or it might be huge, encompassing several hundred thousand acres.

7 Manorialism (cont.) A manor consisted of the lord's estate, farmlands, forests for hunting, and a village where the peasants lived. Since war was rampant, trade was nearly impossible. This meant that a manor had to be self-sufficient. They had to produce everything they needed to survive within their own manor. The lord directed these efforts and protected his peasants. In exchange, the peasants worked on road repairs, built bridges, farmed the lord's lands, and built buildings. They also paid tribute to the lord in the form of grain, food, clothing, and other goods.

8 What is MANORIALISM? An economic system that organized medieval life and promoted self-sufficiency by giving every member of society a specific role/job.

9 How did manorialism solve the basic economic problems?

10 The 3 Basic Economic Questions: 1.Does the economy meet the people’s needs & wants? 2.How are goods produced? 3.What is produced?

11 Answer the 3 basic economic questions for: Europe after the fall of Rome: 1. 2. 3. Europe during the Middle Ages: 1. 2. 3.

12 Summary 1.How did manorialism meet the needs of the people during the Middle Ages? 2.Explain the relationship between the terms “feudalism” and “manorialism”.

13 Middle Ages Videos Focus On: Feudalism & Manorialism Weapons of the Middle Ages (3 min) Heavy Cavalry of the Middle Ages (4 min) “Unforgiven- A Medieval Argument”

14 The Sopranos

15 Regents Prep

16 Application What freedom(s) would you give up for protection? – Explain in 2 “mini” paragraphs 1 st paragraph – explain the freedom you would give up 2 nd paragraph – why is protection more important than that freedom?

17 1. The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by (1) absolute monarchies and strong central governments (2) the manor system and the importance of land ownership (3) decreased emphasis on religion in daily life (4) extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East

18 2. The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by (1) the protection of political rights (2) a representative government (3) many economic opportunities (4) an emphasis on social order

19 3. During the feudal period in Europe, power and position in society were based on the (1) level of education achieved (2) amount of money earned (3) number of slaves owned (4) amount of land possessed

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