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Renaissance - 7. Quiz 1. After Edward VI death, who took the throne in England? 2. What was the goal of the counter-reformation? 3. Who was the founder.

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Presentation on theme: "Renaissance - 7. Quiz 1. After Edward VI death, who took the throne in England? 2. What was the goal of the counter-reformation? 3. Who was the founder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renaissance - 7

2 Quiz 1. After Edward VI death, who took the throne in England? 2. What was the goal of the counter-reformation? 3. Who was the founder of the Jesuits? 4. In 1545, the Council of __________ began to meet on and off for the next 20 years to try and solve some of the problems of the Catholic Church. 5. Name one country in which Protestantism would gain a stronghold by 1600.

3 Persecution Catholics and Protestants both guilty of persecuting Anabaptists (witches) Jews

4 Witch Hunts Agents of the devil Accused those who believed in Christianity and magic

5 Persecuting Jews Spain expelled Jews in 1492 In Italian cities, “ghettoes” were established

6 The Universe Ptolemy and Aristotle shaped the views of the universe Earth was the center of the universe The Church agreed with this

7 Nicolaus Copernicus Good Polish man! Proposed heliocentric (sun-centered) model of the universe Earth is just one of several planets

8 Theory Rejected Why would the Church reject this theory??

9 Astronmer’s Tycho Brahe Danish astronomer Johannes Kepler German Mathematician / Astronomer

10 Galileo Galilei Assembled a telescope Realized Earth moves around the sun Tried before the Inquisition House Arrest Public admits “Earth stands motionless” Later said, “ And yet it moves!”

11 Francis Bacon / Rene Descartes Founders of the Scientific Method Collect / Measure Data Explain Data Propose hypothesis Test / Observe Repeat at least once

12 Andreas Vesalius On the Structure of the Human body Studied human anatomy Autopsies

13 Anton van Leeuwenhoek Perfected the microscope First to see microorganisms

14 William Harvey English scholar Described the circulation of blood

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