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Annie, Emily, & Maddy TEAM HAITI. FFP The FOUNDATION FOR PEACE is a “not-for profit organization dedicated to education in the United States and to.

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Presentation on theme: "Annie, Emily, & Maddy TEAM HAITI. FFP The FOUNDATION FOR PEACE is a “not-for profit organization dedicated to education in the United States and to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annie, Emily, & Maddy TEAM HAITI


3 FFP The FOUNDATION FOR PEACE is a “not-for profit organization dedicated to education in the United States and to working hand in hand with people in materially impoverished areas of the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Kenya to provide educational support, healthcare access, economic opportunity and hope. We work together as long-term partners in solidarity to enable personal success and community achievement. We believe this will result in sustainable and successful initiatives that relieve the effects of poverty, encourage personal growth, and overcome injustice.”

4 Pastor Valentin


6 In Country Construction VBS Village visits

7 A typical day Devos Worship Breakfast Work Lunch at worksite Shower Dinner Devo/debrief/team time

8 Challenges The heat Language barrier Culture shock Task vs. Relationship Short trip

9 Preparation Being in contact with Pastor Meetings Choose your own adventure/bonding Fundraising Conversations with others Past Haiti teams Sprint Retreat Prayer

10 Expectations U/W Curve Changed perspective Build friendships Grow in our knowledge of Haitian culture Spiritual growth

11 Thank you


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