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Cell phone addictions How many people have a cell phone addiction?

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Presentation on theme: "Cell phone addictions How many people have a cell phone addiction?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell phone addictions How many people have a cell phone addiction?

2 To see how many people have cell phone addictions are class printed off a questionnaire. We printed off five copies and we based our conclusion on the answers given. My five questions were, 1)Do you have a cell phone? 2)Do you send more than 500 texts a day? 3)Do you go anywhere without your phone? 4)How often do you let your phone die? 5)How often do you check your phone? The answers you could chose from were yes/no/sometimes, every few minutes/every ten minutes/or just when it goes off, three or four times a week/once or twice a week/ or once every few weeks.

3 Results

4 conclusion I have learned from my research that it doesn’t seem like too many people are really “addicted” to their cell phones. The typical amount of text messages for a teen to send per day is 300. since no one that filled out the survey said they sent more than 500 texts then they are texting/sending the normal amount. Even though most people don’t leave the house without there phones it just a way of staying connected. Now most people said they check there phone every minute of so, I think that is kind of obsessive but its not concrete evidence saying someone is addicted to there phone. My overall results are that very few people are addicted to there phones. From what I have gathered its just that cell phones area a big part of our life and being connected is just the “norm”. In today’s society it is perfectly normal to send 300 texts a day, its normal to have you phone on and with you at all times. Technology has transformed the world around us and I think that this is our way of adapting and living in this new world.

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