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Krzysztof Maria Wilczyński Mohammed Abdul Swamad Vanja Subotic Dominika Wizner Elżbieta Mazgaj Weronika Wajda Supervisor: Krzysztof Krysta Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Krzysztof Maria Wilczyński Mohammed Abdul Swamad Vanja Subotic Dominika Wizner Elżbieta Mazgaj Weronika Wajda Supervisor: Krzysztof Krysta Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Krzysztof Maria Wilczyński Mohammed Abdul Swamad Vanja Subotic Dominika Wizner Elżbieta Mazgaj Weronika Wajda Supervisor: Krzysztof Krysta Ph.D

2 Does work – life balance influence work engagement and therefore protect or further burnout occurrence in physicans?

3 Study was conducted on a group of 300 physicans from Serbia, Bulgaria and Poland in January 2015, using paperback questionnaires. Average age: 43 years (Min: 38 Max: 49)


5 Questionnaire consisted of 65 questions, and was constructed out of: Utrecht Work Engagement ScaleUtrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) Survey work-home interactionSurvey work-home interaction NIJMEGEN (SWING) Beck’s Depression ScaleBeck’s Depression Scale (BDI) Demographical questionsDemographical questions

6 –3 SUBSCALES: »VIGOR »DEDICATION »ABSORPTION –CRONBACH’S α = 0,84 Through kindness of W. Schaufeli Source: „Work engagement is the assumed opposite of burnout. Contrary to those who suffer from burnout, engaged employees have a sense of energetic and effective connection with their work activities and they see themselves as able to deal well with the demands of their job.” W. Schaufeli - UWES prelimenary manual.


8 Current version the questionnaire is designed for individuals aged 13 and over, and is composed of items relating to symptoms of depression such as hopelessness and irritability, cognitions such as guilt or feelings of being punished, as well as physical symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, and lack of interest in sex. Beck AT (1972). Depression: Causes and Treatment. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. CRONBACH’S α =0,82

9 Number of citizens Total expenditure on health* Physicians per 1000 citizens POLAND**38,217,0006,7% 2,15 (2009) SERBIA**9,511,00010,6%2,11 (2009) BULGARIA**7,223,0007,6% 3,73 (2009) *As a percentage of a gross national income **Data acquired from WHO website

10 p<0,05 Comparision of average UWES scores between countries

11 p<0,05 r=-,42 Correlation between negative work-home interaction scores and average UWES

12 p<0,05 r=,18 Influence of positive home- work interaction scoreon average UWES scores

13 There is no statistically significant link between average UWES score and positive WHI and negative HWI

14 Influence of HWI+ and WHI- on an outcome of UWES scale.

15 Influence of HWI+/HWI- and WHI+/WHI- ratios on an outcome of BDI scale.


17 Does work – life balance influence work engagement and therefore protect or further burnout occurrence in physicans? 1.Negative work-home interaction decrease the work engagement and may lead to the development of burnout. 2.Postive home-work interaction have weak positive effect on average UWES score. 3.Negative influence of work on a family life may increase the risk of depression, and that effect is not susceptible to neither positive nor negative interactions of family life with work.

18 Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention

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