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Nuclear Power: Our Misunderstood Friend. Overview Growing Demand for Energy Comparison of Nuclear with Other Forms of Energy Disposal of Waste Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Power: Our Misunderstood Friend. Overview Growing Demand for Energy Comparison of Nuclear with Other Forms of Energy Disposal of Waste Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Power: Our Misunderstood Friend

2 Overview Growing Demand for Energy Comparison of Nuclear with Other Forms of Energy Disposal of Waste Safety of Nuclear Energy

3 Growing Demand for Electricity Steady increase of use How electric drive vehicles will impact use EGU MACT legislation will impact demand



6 Chevy Volt

7 Wind Better for the environment because it is renewable Generates at a capacity of 20-40% Rate of Injury of Workers

8 Solar Better for the environment because it is renewable Can only generate at a capacity of 15-30% Battery technology

9 Nuclear vs. Coal Nuclear About 19% of electricity generated by DTE Uses less than 0.00001% fuel High energy content Less susceptible to fluctuation High initial cost Coal 80% of electricity generated by DTE Mining, transport, burning low energy content Large fluctuations in cost of fuel High cost in fuel

10 *CCGT is a type of coal powered plant

11 Nuclear Power in France 75% electricity from nuclear 17% electricity from recycled nuclear power Generate 3 billion euro by selling to the rest of Europe

12 Disposal of Waste Types of Nuclear Waste Disposal of Nuclear waste – Amount Generated – Repository


14 Types of Waste Gaseous

15 Types of Waste Liquid

16 Types of Waste Solid

17 Disposal of Nuclear Waste On Site Repository

18 Disposal of Nuclear Waste in Yucca Mountain

19 Chernobyl

20 What Happened Failed Experiment Ignored Warnings Explosion Runaway Nuclear Reactor

21 Effects of Chernobyl 100,000 km 2 of contamination Rise in Thyroid Cancer – Treatment 96% Effective. – Could have been prevented. Liquidators and Acute Radiation Sickness – Firefighters in the Plant. Cancer Rates in Highly Contaminated Group – 4000 Extra Cancer Deaths among 600,000 People. Cancer Rates of People in Contaminated Zones – 5000 Extra Cancer Deaths among 5 Million People

22 How Modern Reactors Differ From Old Soviet Reactors RBMK Reactor – Water Cooled – Graphite Rod Moderators – No Containment Vessel Light Water Reactor – Water Cooled – Water Moderated – Steel and Concrete Containment Vessel

23 3 Mile Island


25 Effects Average Dose of Radiation – 1 milirem – 1/6 th radiation produced by a chest x-ray Maximum Dose of Radiation – Less than 100 milirem – Background Radiation 100 to 125 milirems per year Radioactive Isotopes – Very Low Levels Detected Radiation Contained – Containment vessel was not breached

26 Aftermath NRC given more control of power plants Human Error – Operator training improved by lessons learned. – 2 Full Time inspectors at each site. Design Problems – Improved controls and indicators. – Piping system revamped. Component Failures – Auxiliary Coolant Systems. – Automatic Shutdown.







33 NUCLEAR POWER: Our No Longer Misunderstood Friend

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