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Welcome Plans for the day Key milestones progress Meet interim report requirements Update on communication with social partners Identify any problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Plans for the day Key milestones progress Meet interim report requirements Update on communication with social partners Identify any problems."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome Plans for the day

3 Key milestones progress Meet interim report requirements Update on communication with social partners Identify any problems & work towards solutions Be clear on expected results before next meeting Meeting objectives

4 Progress towards milestones

5 WP1 Understand Interim Report requirements & provide information WP5 Agree approach to pilot & evaluation in partner countries WP8 Discuss dissemination & exploitation ideas & agree approach WP9 Discuss ways to measure impact & develop long term potential Work package objectives

6 Updates Actions from last meeting Input from social partners

7 WP5 Pilot & evaluate Test & evaluate train the trainer pack Pilot guidelines: assess, motivate, engage learners Focus on target groups: vocational teachers & learners Evaluations from 12 teachers and 1 learner group per country Involve social partner

8 WP5 Key stages Identify target groups – September Select tasks & activities – September Run pilot with teachers using session plan & evaluations – October – April Arrange for at least 1 teacher to run session with a group of vocational learners & organise evaluations - October – April Evaluation report each country – May Summary evaluation report - June

9 Quality guidelines Session plan Evaluation by target groups: forms, focus groups, online Checklist

10 Pilot presentations by partner - UK Target groups: teacher trainees, experienced teachers & vocational learners Clear links to course & learner needs Team teach: 1 teaches & 1 evaluates Selection of tasks & activities to suit groups 4 sessions with trainee teachers; 1 session at staff training day & 1 session with vocational learners

11 WP8 Dissemination & exploitation As a group, how can we best launch the Train the Trainer pack to our target groups? Be as creative as you like!!!!

12 EfVET Conference Ideas for round table

13 WP8 Dissemination & exploitation Dissemination records updated plus evidence for interim report Press articles Posters Translated leaflets – 6 copies Presentations

14 Intellectual Property Rights Discuss and agree our approach Fair & equitable to all partners Respect IPR on pre-existing work Optimal dissemination a priority Partners have unlimited use of results Commercialisation only if best route for exploitation

15 Day 1 Summary Key milestones progress – clear timescales Update on communication with social partners WP5 Agree approach to pilot & evaluation in partner countries WP8 Discuss dissemination & exploitation ideas & agree approach Identify any problems & work towards solutions

16 Plans for Day 2 Individual partner meetings 09.00 LT, 09.30 CY, 10.00 IT, 10.30 ES 11.00 meet coffee Interim Report progress WP9 Long term potential Next steps

17 Interim Report progress

18 WP9 Long term potential To include Train the Trainer in national teacher training programmes To consult with decision makers & award bodies in each partner country

19 Key stages Record of contact with key stakeholders – today! Build on database of key contacts – by November Discuss project outcomes, products & long term potential – December to March Evaluation report from each partner - April Summary evaluation report - June

20 Measuring impact Agree a set of tangible indicators to measure the impact of the project on target groups. Present your ideas to the whole group.

21 Next steps Meetings with social partners WP5 Pilot & evaluate materials Interim report WP8 Dissemination – launch, EfVET conference, IPR WP9 Long term potential – stakeholder discussions, reports & measure impact

22 Meetings in 2010 Next meeting 5-8/9 May venue Progress required: WP5 Pilot and evaluation updates, WP8 Dissemination updates, WP9 Long term potential impact, final report requirements Final meeting 22-25 September Brussels

23 Key milestones progress Meet interim report requirements Update on communication with social partners Identify any problems & work towards solutions Be clear on expected results before next meeting Met objectives?

24 WP5 Agree approach to pilot & evaluation in partner countries WP8 Discuss dissemination & exploitation ideas & agree approach WP1 Understand Interim Report requirements & provide information WP9 Discuss ways to measure impact & develop long term potential Met work package objectives?

25 Evaluation

26 Summary Eskerrik asko Gracias Grazie ačiū Σε ευχαριστώ Merci Thank you!

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