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Leader+ Observatory Conference: ‘Leader achievements: a diversity of territorial experience’ 22-23 November 2007 Évora/Portugal Mini-plenary L Spain -

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Presentation on theme: "Leader+ Observatory Conference: ‘Leader achievements: a diversity of territorial experience’ 22-23 November 2007 Évora/Portugal Mini-plenary L Spain -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leader+ Observatory Conference: ‘Leader achievements: a diversity of territorial experience’ 22-23 November 2007 Évora/Portugal Mini-plenary L Spain - Guadix European Commission

2 CONTENT Setting the scene  Film  Introduction Led by Chair 15 mins What is special about the project:  The territory (then and now)  The partnership (the people)  The strategy (innovation, integration, cooperation….) President.. LAG Members… LAG Manager+ projects… 75 mins Building for the future (self evaluation):  What has worked best? What to avoid?  Future Plans. NERA. Next programming Evaluator… Regional Man… 20 mins Key messages  For Guadix, For Andalusia,For Europe One sentence round up 10 mins

3 LEADER WITH AN ANDALUSIAN FLAVOUR  Recognition of LAGs as bottom up agencies whose role is to mobilise rural areas  2 programmes together – PRODER as the cake – LEADER as the icing  Total territorial coverage (50 LAGs), 15% EAFRD, 10 m Euro pf per LAG, all axes  Strategies for territories not programmes  A coordinated approach to cooperation based on strengthening the local strategy.  Effective financial management

4 LEADER A LA GUADIX TerritoryNatural and cultural heritage – natural parks, cave dwellings mines, access PartnershipLinking public, private and social sectors 70% private sector Role as a catalyst for local organisations Manages other programmes StrategyLevel of participation (demonstration effect) Starts with culture and people to build competitiveness Sectoral then horizontal integration Cooperation as a spring board

5 Some ideas  Start and finish with local people but build both ladders and bridges  Strengthen partnerships both horizontally and vertically  Territorial but also sectoral integration  Use strategies to break out of programmes  Use cooperation to create strategic alliances.

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