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C AKES BY MAM 1. L OCATION Cakes by MAM is located just north of Chicago, Illinois, in Winnetka 466 Poplar Street Winnetka, IL 60093 1 10/27/2008.

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Presentation on theme: "C AKES BY MAM 1. L OCATION Cakes by MAM is located just north of Chicago, Illinois, in Winnetka 466 Poplar Street Winnetka, IL 60093 1 10/27/2008."— Presentation transcript:


2 L OCATION Cakes by MAM is located just north of Chicago, Illinois, in Winnetka 466 Poplar Street Winnetka, IL 60093 1 10/27/2008

3 T RY A LL OF O UR F LAVORS ! Y OU WON ’ T BE D ISAPPOINTED !  Vanilla  Milk Chocolate  Dark Chocolate  Coconut  Strawberry  Red Velvet  Carrot  Banana Nut  Pineapple 2 10/27/2008

4 3

5 O UR M OST P OPULAR C AKE … 6 layers of heaven! Our decadent Coconut cake is layered between our signature whipped vanilla icing. Topped with toasted coconut, this cake is sure to please! 4 10/27/2008

6 C AKES FOR E VERY O CCASION ! Birthday Parties! Anniversaries! Weddings! Graduations! Just to say “Thanks!” 5 10/27/2008

7 P RICING 6 10/27/2008

8 W HAT O UR C USTOMERS H AVE TO S AY …  “Cakes by MAM has been our go-to cake shop for years! The cakes are great for all ages!”  “If you asked me to pick just one cake to call my favorite, I would tell you that that’s impossible”  “Chicago is better off because of Cakes by MAM! The service is excellent and the cakes are even better!” Awarded “Best Cakes in the Chicago Area” 7 10/27/2008

9 S TORE H OURS Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm Saturday 9am – 6pm Sunday Closed 8 10/27/2008

10 Come and see us in the store TODAY! Or visit us online at 9 10/27/2008

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