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Objectivist Learning Environment. Learner Teacher LearningLearning ContextContext LearningLearning ActivityActivity Content Assessment Areas for Comparing/Contrasting.

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1 Objectivist Learning Environment

2 Learner Teacher LearningLearning ContextContext LearningLearning ActivityActivity Content Assessment Areas for Comparing/Contrasting

3 Learners in NovaNET Learners are expected to acquire knowledge from the lessons and demonstrate their knowledge in an objective test. There is only one right answer in lessons and tests. All work is done individually, not in groups.

4 Teachers in NovaNET Lessons are created externally and placed into the system to provide the knowledge needed to demonstrate mastery on an objective test. The teacher does not create any of the curricula and so is not able to consider the learning style, individual goals, or specific needs of the learners. The system or teacher determines what lessons will be assigned. There are two formats for the lessons to be presented: prescriptive and aligned. The prescriptive format has a fixed order of lesson presentation; a student will see the next lesson once they have successfully completed the previous one. With the aligned format the learner may be able to choose the order in which to do the lessons, although he is expected to complete all assigned lessons.

5 Learning Context in NovaNET In the prescriptive format, each module begins with a pretest. If the learner demonstrates mastery of the objectives on the pretest, no further lessons from that module will be presented and the learner will go on to the next module. Within a module, learners practice individually by completing lessons before attempting a test. If the learner does not demonstrate mastery of the objectives on the test, they will be directed back to the appropriate lessons and then retested In the aligned format, each module contains lessons and ends with a test. The teacher may direct the learner to particular lessons at a specific time or the learner may choose the order of presentation. Regardless, the teacher will monitor the progress and will evaluate success by the degree of mastery on the objective test.

6 Learning Activity in NovaNET The lessons are fixed. If the learner responds incorrectly the first time, a second opportunity will be given. This second chance may be introduced with some guidance, perhaps explaining why the first response was incorrect. The learner is given positive reinforcement and feedback when the correct answer is given. The test evaluate understanding of the objectives of the module or units. The system provides the means for the teacher and learner to see a completed test for additional offline instruction. If a learner takes a test more than one time, the test will change but the objectives it covers will remain the same.

7 Content in NovaNET The content is broken down into modules; these modules build on one another. Some curricula build to culminate with a unit test covering numerous modules. State aligned curricula are available which follows a defined structure. Thousands of hours of a wide range of instruction are available but the teacher must assign it, the learner is not in control of this. Learner responses do not alter the content presented. Movement through the curricula is dependent on the learner in that when a learner demonstrates mastery, the system will allow progression to the next step. It is self paced in that respect.

8 Assessment in NovaNET The tests use a multiple choice format. The content of the test requires the learner to recall information and processes from the lessons. There is only one correct answer for each question on the test. Demonstration of mastery of all objectives on the tests allows the student to progress to the next step or level. Teachers do have the tools available to override the progression and allow a learner to move forward if they feel the learner has demonstrated to them a mastery of the instruction. This requires monitoring and intervention on the part of the teacher.

9 Objectivist Learning Environment

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