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Military – expanded Greek empire all the way to the Indus River Valley in India Student of Aristotle.

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1 Military – expanded Greek empire all the way to the Indus River Valley in India Student of Aristotle

2 Alexander the Great!

3 Geometry wizard: A2 +B2 = C2 and Value of Pi (570 - 495 BCE) Samos Has a math theorem named after him to find the size of a triangle

4 Pythagoras

5 Geometry (330 – 260 BCE) Alexandria Compasses, protractors, and angles

6 Euclid

7 Engineer and inventor-scientist, built an irrigation screw for the mountainous terrain and the catapult (287 - 212 BCE) Sicily EUREKA! I also figured out buoyancy and density in the bathtub!

8 Archimedes

9 Known as the founder of the subject of Philosophy, taught both Plato and Aristotle phi·los·o·phy noun \fə-ˈlä-s(ə-)fē\ : the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc. : a particular set of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc. : a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live

10 Socrates

11 Charismatic orator, military general and statesman (i.e. politician)) 495-429 B.C.E. Athens

12 Pericles

13 Writer (Tragedies mostly) 480 – 406 BCE Aegean Islands/Macedonia Author of Medea

14 Euripides

15 Singer/Writer ~800 BCE Author of Famous Greek Epics about the Trojan War (Illiad and Odyssey)

16 Homer

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