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Unit 8 Housekeeping Interview Analysis & Final Essays—Due Dates: November 15 & November 22 Read the instructions and announcements Page limit reduced:

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Housekeeping Interview Analysis & Final Essays—Due Dates: November 15 & November 22 Read the instructions and announcements Page limit reduced:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Housekeeping Interview Analysis & Final Essays—Due Dates: November 15 & November 22 Read the instructions and announcements Page limit reduced: 5-pages Time to kick it in gear

2 OJ Simpson Trial Opinion Poll Guilty or not guilty Just or unjust verdict Is your opinion based on the lack of evidence or other reasons

3 OJ Simpson Trial The Evidence and the Players Detective Mark Fuhrman Johnnie Cochran & the Defense “Dream Team” The Media & cameras in the courtroom

4 Jury Nullification The practice of the jury acquitting someone of a crime because the jurors believe the law or the application of the law is unjust The jury acquits the defendant even though the evidence proved the defendant committed the crime

5 Racial Nullification The practice of the jury acquitting members of their own race or a minority race regardless of the evidence supporting conviction The decision is based on race or ethnicity and not the evidence “Beating the system” Ex: Legal scholars use the OJ Simpson case

6 OJ Simpson Case If you believe the verdict is wrong, who is to blame? Media Judge Prosecutors Defense “Dream” team

7 Public Perception of Police Officers Does the public distrust police officers and/or are they cynical of a police officer’s testimony at trial? 1, if Yes 2, if No Explain your answer

8 Spirit of Service “good policing depends on a willingness of officers to make sacrifices for others, most conspicuously for the innocent, the needy and the helpless.” p. 327 Command personnel must exhibit the same spirit of service in their treatment of subordinates Examples where command personnel failed to support subordinates: Waco & Ruby Ridge

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