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Created by April Turner RULES OF THUMB FOR SEMICOLON AND COLON USE from Real Good Grammar, Too by Mamie Webb Hixon.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by April Turner RULES OF THUMB FOR SEMICOLON AND COLON USE from Real Good Grammar, Too by Mamie Webb Hixon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by April Turner RULES OF THUMB FOR SEMICOLON AND COLON USE from Real Good Grammar, Too by Mamie Webb Hixon

2 USE A SEMICOLON To join two complete sentences (independent clauses) that contain commas EXAMPLE: We students love eating pizza, ice cream, and french fries for lunch; the teachers only like to eat salad and soup.

3 USE A SEMICOLON To separate items in a series that have internal commas. EXAMPLE: I bought an old, dilapidated chair; a marble top table, which was in beautiful condition; and a new, ugly white rug. EXAMPLE: We are thinking about moving to Omaha, Nebraska; Gainesville, Florida; or Memphis, Tennessee.

4 USE A SEMICOLON To join two complete sentences (independent clauses) that are related. Each sentence on either side of the semicolon must be complete with its own subject and verb. Keep in mind that a semicolon functions the same way as a period and a capital letter. EXAMPLE: Please open the window; it is hot in here.

5 USE A SEMICOLON To join two complete sentences (independent clauses) connected by conjunctive adverbs: however, therefore, consequently, nevertheless, and then. EXAMPLE: We are creating study guides to help students prepare for the tests; moreover, students’ scores are reflecting improvement.

6 Practice 1 In each sentence a comma is used instead of a semicolon. Circle the comma to show that a semicolon is needed 1. My sister likes to save money, in fact, she already has saved a thousand dollars. 2. We bought peaches, plums, and nectarines, but the peaches were not ripe. 3. The dog, whose tail wagged continuously, barked, but its owner, a nice man, reassured us. 4. Billy, wait for little Joey, he can’t walk that fast. 5. Selling ice cream, Beth earned almost $100, that was the most for any one day.

7 Practice 1 6. We sang, danced, and went for a moonlit swim, and a good time was had by all. 7. It’s time to mow the lawn, also, the garden needs to be weeded. 8. You can’t start writing now, first, you must do some research. 9. Paris, Florence, and Venice are all beautiful cities, but my favorite is Florence. 10. I had been there before, as a result, I didn’t pay attention to the directions.

8 Practice 2 Writing Compound Sentences With Semicolons. Complete the sentences below. EXAMPLE: I love exotic food ; however, that meal was too much for me. 1. __________________________; however, ______________________. 2. _________________________; for instance, ___ _______________________. 3. _________________________; otherwise, _____ _________________________. 4. ________________________; __________ 5. ___________________; on the other hand, _____ ________________.

9 USE A COLON To mean, “note what follows” EXAMPLE: I hate this one course: English. Before a long, formal statement or quotation. EXAMPLE: Defending free speech, Voltaire made this statement: “I may disagree with what you say, but I shall defend your right to say it.”

10 USE A COLON Before a statement that explains or clarifies a preceding statement. EXAMPLE: Sam left before the rest of us: She had to be there early to help with the costumes EXAMPLE: Suddenly, Margo screamed: There were fire ants all over her feet.

11 USE A COLON To introduce items in a series. EXAMPLE: You need to shop for several items: brown shoelaces, a quart of milk, five or six carrots, and a tube of toothpaste. DO NOT PUT A COLON AFTER A VERB OR PREPOSITION! EVER! EVER! EVER!

12 WARNING! DO NOT PLACE A COLON IN THESE INSTANCES: DO NOT place a colon after namely or for example. DO NOT place a colon after a verb (are, include, etc.) unless the sentence ends with a verb (There are two things that make us what we are:). DO NOT place a colon after a preposition (such as, with, etc.)

13 LET’S PRACTICE!!! Your sentence seems to be well phrased, however, there are a few minor errors. Your sentence seems to be well phrased; however, there are a few minor errors. I am positive that you cannot resist this one appeal money. I am positive that you cannot resist this one appeal: money. My best friends are: Liz, Terese, and Tasia. My best friends are Liz, Terese, and Tasia. Mark Twain reflects on writing “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” Mark Twain reflects on writing: “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

14 More Practice!!! Nominations for the presidency included the names of Mrs. C. B. Jones, member of the Garden Club, Mrs. Alton Pesky, local librarian, and Miss Sonia Black, official of the League of Women Voters. Nominations for the presidency included the names of Mrs. C. B. Jones, member of the Garden Club; Mrs. Alton Pesky, local librarian; and Miss Sonia Black, official of the League of Women Voters. There were three reasons for his success, integrity, industry, and a good personality. There were three reasons for his success: integrity, industry, and a good personality.

15 Even More Practice!!! My favorite television shows come on the History Channel, such as: History’s Mysteries and Modern Marvels. My favorite television shows come on the History Channel, such as History’s Mysteries and Modern Marvels. I love several subjects at school, namely: English and statistics. I love several subjects at school, namely English and statistics.

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