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CP PSYCHOLOGY CP PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 3 Memory and Thought Section 3Q1 Mr. Freccia, NHS Glencoe Publishers.

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2 CP PSYCHOLOGY CP PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 3 Memory and Thought Section 3Q1 Mr. Freccia, NHS Glencoe Publishers

3 Memory and Thought “Information Processing” (3Q1)  Memory: persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information Information Processing involves three steps: Input, Central Processing, Output Input: The information received by the brain from the senses Central Processing: Storing (memory) and sorting (thoughts) information Output: The ideas and actions that result from processing information

4 Memory and Thought “Information Processing” (3Q1) Sensory inputs are managed in two ways; Selective Attention and Feature Extraction Selective Attention: Ability to pick and choose among available sensory inputs -- Normally select items that satisfy basic needs, are strange/novel, or items of interest Feature Extraction: Locate/focus on special characteristics of incoming information

5 Memory and Thought “Information Processing” (3Q1)

6  “Three-Stage Memory Theory”  Sensory/Short Term/Long-Term Memory External events Sensory memory Short-term memory Long-term memory Sensory input Attention to important or novel information Encoding Retrieving

7 Memory and Thought “Information Processing” (3Q1)  Sensory Memory  the immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system  capturing the vast sensory input from external stimuli  so fast its seemless (think movies)

8 Memory and Thought “Information Processing” (3Q1) Short-Term Memory  Memory that holds a few items briefly (15-20 secs)  Look up a phone number, then quickly dial before forgetting  Must ‘Chunk’ (lump) information to remember more than 7 unrelated items at once Working Memory  Behind-the-scene processing of briefly stored information for immediate use

9 Memory and Thought “Information Processing” (3Q1) Long Term Memory: Storing information longer term for future use Must reconstruct stored information from countless facts, experiences and sensations Repetition and rehearsal that is spaced out in time results in longer term memory

10 Memory and Thought “Information Processing” (3Q1) 20 15 10 5 0 8162432425364 Time to relearn list on day 2 Number of repetitions on day 1 of learning Amount you remember depends directly on time spent learning Over-learning material we have already learned increases retention Spaced Study beats cramming

11 CP PSYCHOLOGY CP PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 3 Memory and Thought Section 3Q2 The Famous Mr. Freccia, NHS Glencoe Publishers

12 Retrieving Information 3Q2 Retrieval: The process of obtaining information stored in memory Human memory is extraordinarily efficient, and extremely organized Methods of Retrieval include: 1.Recognition: The ability to identify an object, idea or situation as familiar or not (file system) Recognition abilities suggest much more is stored in memory than one might believe

13 2.Recall: The ability to reconstruct previously learned material Problem #1: Confabulation: Filling in memory with material that makes sense but may be not true (often without awareness) subtle misinformation may help people misremember (used by cops and lawyers) Retrieving Information 3Q2

14 Recall Problem #2: False Memories: placing misleading information into one's memory of an event without awareness Therapists may promote false memories through hypnosis, dream analysis or imagination exercises

15 Retrieving Information 3Q2 Recall “Bonus”: Eidetic Memory: (Photographic) ability to recall visual details after only a short exposure “Photographic Memory” is seen in about 5% of children but rarely in adults

16 Retrieving Information 3Q2 3.Relearning of previously learned material, will be quicker than the original learning 4.Forgetting: Inability to retrieve information once stored in long-term memory Meditation, hypnosis, brain stimulation may allow recovery of forgotten information

17 Retrieving Information 3Q2 Forgetting 123451015202530 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 Time in days since learning word list Percentage of word list retained when relearning “Ebbinghaus forgetting curve” over 30 days – forgetting is initially rapid, then levels off with time

18 Retrieving Information 3Q2 Retention drops, then levels off 1 3 5 9½ 14½ 25 35½ 49½ Time in years after completion of Spanish course 100% 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Percentage of original vocabulary retained  The forgetting curve for Spanish learned in school

19 Retrieving Information 3Q2 Proactive Interference: Earlier memory blocks later memory from being remembered Retroactive Interference: Later memory blocks earlier memory from being remembered We get confused between our old/new address/phone # Learning additional languages

20 Retrieving Information 3Q2

21 Repression: Subconsciously blocking memories of embarrassing/frightening experiences Methods of Improving Memory: Based on organization and “chunking” information Meaningfulness, lack of interference, and degree of original learning influence retrieval Mnemonic Devices: Technique of using associations to memorize information

22 CP PSYCHOLOGY CP PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 3 Memory and Thought Section 3Q3 Mr. Freccia, NHS Glencoe Publishers

23 Processing Information 3Q3 Central Processing of Information Thinking, Problem Solving and Creativity demonstrate ability to process information

24 Processing Information 3Q3 Humans use four primary devices or “Units of Thought” to process information Image: Mental representation of a specific event or object (non-precise) Symbol: A sound or design that represents an object or quality (language, writing) Concept: A label for a class of objects/events that share common attributes (liquid) Rule: A statement of the relationship between two or more concepts (gravity) Images, symbols, concepts and rules are the building blocks of mental activity

25 Processing Information 3Q3 Kinds of thinking… People think primarily in three ways: directed, non- directed, and metacognition Directed Thinking: Systematic, logical, goal-directed thought Non-directed Thinking: Free flow of images and ideas with no particular goal Metacognition: Thinking about thinking (cognitive)

26 Processing Information 3Q3 Problem Solving is the main purpose of directed thinking and depends on: Strategies: breakdown process (step by step), work backward, compare two possibilities – decisions based on past results Sets: Habitual strategies or patterns of problem solving based on experience Rigidity: When a “set” interferes with problem solving (can’t think outside the box)

27 Processing Information 3Q3 Creativity: Using information or abilities in a new and meaningful way Cause and levels of creativity remain a mystery to psychologists. Certain characteristics are: flexibility, recombination, and insight.

28 Processing Information 3Q3  How would you arrange six matches to form four equilateral triangles?

29 Processing Information 3Q3 Solution to the matchstick problem

30 Processing Information 3Q3 Flexibility: The ability to overcome rigidity associated with “sets” Recombination: Mentally rearranging parts of a problem to find a novel solution Insight: The sudden solution to a problem using recombination of the parts

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