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Manual for Timetable Creation JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore.

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Presentation on theme: "Manual for Timetable Creation JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manual for Timetable Creation JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore

2 Steps to be Followed Create Subject Create Subject Group Create Subject Selection Rules (If Required)- It can be skipped Attach Subject Group, subject rule and week structure in Academic Template Create Activity Subject Mapping Subject Enrollment for all the students To add Lab groups to the timetable, follow these steps Create Group Type Attach group type in Academic Batch Add student to group type mapping Timetable Creation:- 1.Create Blank Template 2.View Template-Attach subject & faculty to the slots 3.Copy Template Mark Attendance through self service.

3 Create Subject Path:- CMS-Time table-Settings-Subjects-Subject Click on create to create subjects, enter subject code and subject name than click on save, Now click on cancel go back to main screen to create another subject

4 Create Subject Group Path:- CMS-Time table-Settings-Subjects-Subject Group Click on create, enter subject group name than click on save, now add rows to add all the subjects belongs to one semester and select subject type than click on save

5 Create Subject Selection Rules Path:- CMS-Time table-Settings-Subjects- Subject Rule Create subject rule to define the subject selection rule if any elective subjects are there and to provide validation during subject enrollment

6 Attach Subject Group, subject rule and week structure in Academic Template Path: CMS-Settings-Academics-Academic Template Click on search, select the academic template and click on edit

7 Attach Subject Group, subject rule and week structure in Academic Template Click on subject group header, select the week structure and click on subject group/pep mapping to attach subject group and selection rule

8 Create Activity Subject Mapping Path:- CMS-Time table-Settings-Auto generation inputs-Activity subject mapping Search the subject, click on edit, attach activity, duration, faculty name to the subjects

9 Subject Enrollment for all the students Path: Timetable-Enrollment-Bulk Subject Enrollment(For All subjects mandatory) For all subjects mandatory, search the students by using site code and batch name and click on enroll subject for search list

10 Subject Enrollment for all the students Path: Timetable-Enrollment-Subject Enrollment(For Elective & Mandatory subjects) For elective & mandatory subjects enrollment, download student details batch wise and upload the file

11 Create Group Type Path: CMS-Timetable-Settings-Timetable structure-Group Type Click on create to create group type

12 Attach group type in Academic Batch Path: CMS-Academics-Academic Batch-Search Batch Select the semester and click on group type mapping, attach group to the batch

13 Add student to group type mapping Path: CMS-Timetable-Student Group Type Mapping Select site, batch and semester to search students and than select students and click on student group type mapping to map with available group

14 Create Blank Template Path: Timetable-Weekly Timetable-Generate/View Timetable-Create Blank Template Create blank template, enter site code, program, batch, class and template name

15 View Template Path: Timetable-Weekly Timetable-Generate/View Timetable-View Template Select View Template in select action and enter all mandatory details and click on proceed, Click on free slots, attach subjects and faculty for each free slots

16 Copy Template Path: Timetable-Weekly Timetable-Generate/View Timetable-View Template Select copy template in select action and enter all the mandatory details, give start and end date for the timetable and click on proceed

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