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ISIS Beam and MICE Target Simulation MICE Collaboration Meeting Adam Dobbs 19 th Oct 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "ISIS Beam and MICE Target Simulation MICE Collaboration Meeting Adam Dobbs 19 th Oct 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISIS Beam and MICE Target Simulation MICE Collaboration Meeting Adam Dobbs 19 th Oct 2008

2 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting2 Outline 1.Purpose of simulations and beam loss measurements 2.The ORBIT programme 3.Simulation results 4.Beam loss data 5.Future directions

3 1. Purpose of Simulations and Beam Loss Measurements Understand and minimise ISIS beam loss and activation in synchrotron vault Maximise particle rate in MICE beamline Provide a source term for simulations of the MICE beamline 3 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting 3

4 2. ORBIT Developed at SNS, Oak Ridge National Labs in USA during '90s Exists as extension to SuperCode language - interpreted by a driver shell SuperCode sits between user and precompiled C++ modules Used by ISIS 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting4 (Objective Ring Beam Injection and Tracking)‏

5 Capabilities Space charge Variety of diagnostic output – Emmitance – Lost particles – Collimator hits … 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting5 Constructs rings as series of “nodes” Nodes can represent – Apertures – Collimators – RF cavities – Injection foils – Transfer matrices …

6 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting6 3. Simulation results Particle loss results obtained for simulations of ISIS spills MICE target inserted after ~ 9200 turns Target presently modelled as iron - no “off-the-shelf” titanium in ORBIT Also fixed target – no oscillation

7 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting7 Two target orientations: Target Orientations “Short-Fat” – 1mm along z – axis, 10mm along x - axis “Long-Thin” – 10mm along z – axis, 1mm along x – axis (true orientation)

8 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting8 Injection losses MICE target losses Short-Fat: 27mm above axis, -1 to 10ms

9 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting9 Short-Fat: 27mm above axis, 8 to 10ms

10 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting10 Long-Thin: 27mm above axis, -1 to 10ms

11 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting11 Long-Thin: 27mm above axis, 8 to 10ms

12 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting12 Long-Thin: 26mm above axis, -1 to 10ms

13 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting13 Long-Thin: 26mm above axis, 8 to 10ms

14 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting14 4. Beam Loss Data: 8 th Oct 08 – Single event

15 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting15 8 th Oct 08 – average over 217 events

16 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting16 19 th Oct 08 – average over 1000 events

17 5. Future Compare simulatation more quantitavely to real beam loss monitor data (convert “lost particles” to voltage) Make target titanium and dynamic Vary target parameters (shape, orientation, material, dip rate…) to maximise MICE particle rate and minimise disruption to ISIS Parallelise ORBIT… 19/10/2008Adam Dobbs MICE Collaboration Meeting17

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