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Jin Huang BNL/LANL. ePHENIX Review J. Huang 2 RICH GEM Station4 EMCal HCal GEM Station2 R (cm) HCal p/A EMCal GEMs EMCal & Preshower TPC DIRC η=+1 η=

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Presentation on theme: "Jin Huang BNL/LANL. ePHENIX Review J. Huang 2 RICH GEM Station4 EMCal HCal GEM Station2 R (cm) HCal p/A EMCal GEMs EMCal & Preshower TPC DIRC η=+1 η="— Presentation transcript:

1 Jin Huang BNL/LANL

2 ePHENIX Review J. Huang 2 RICH GEM Station4 EMCal HCal GEM Station2 R (cm) HCal p/A EMCal GEMs EMCal & Preshower TPC DIRC η=+1 η= 4 -1.2 GEM Station3 GEMs Station1 η=-1 e-e- e-e- Aerogel z (cm) ZDC z≈12 m Outgoing hadron beam Roman Pots z ≫ 10 m R (cm) z ≤ 4.5m BBC BaBar Coil  Based on BaBar Coil, central field = 1.5T  Field Return ◦ Central and forward hadron calorimeters (iron plate-scint. sampling) ◦ Lampshade Yoke ◦ End cap yoke for e-going direction  Detectors that use/sensitive to field ◦ Tracking: TPC for central η, GEMs for forward directions ◦ Gas RICH detector, field effect is small

3  Field concept ◦ Central field: solenoidal as sPHENIX design ◦ Forward field: Went through ~10 types of magnet design over few years  BaBar superconducting magnet became available ◦ Built by Ansaldo → SLAC ~1999 ◦ Nominal field: 1.5T ◦ Radius : 140-173 cm; Length: 385 cm  Field calculation and yoke tuning ◦ Three field calculator cross checked: POISSION (Thanks to Paul’s SoLID design), FEM and OPERA  Favor for ePHENIX tracking ◦ Designed for homogeneous B-field in central tracking ◦ Longer field volume for forward tracking ◦ Higher current density at end of the magnet -> better forward bending ◦ Work well with RICH in ePHENIX yoke: Forward & central Hcal + Steel lampshade  Ownership officially transferred to BNL, prepare shipping ePHENIX Review J. Huang 3 Tracking resolution based on field calculation Babar magnet VS older version sPHENIX magnet BaBar solenoid packed for shipping, May 17 2013 Longer Magnet Babar Assuming a piston field shaper used

4  Optimal tracking configurations ◦ Measure sagitta with vertex – optimal sagitta plane (not drawn) – last tracking station ◦ Yoke after tracking space and conform with a |z|<4.5m limit  ePHENIX LOI ◦ Central + forward yoke (hadron calo.) ◦ Last tracking station at z=3.0m ePHENIX Review J. Huang 4 Track Babar Constant current density, same total current Track + Passive Piston Occupying 4<η<5 ePHENIX (w/o piston) Improvement for RICH Forward Yoke

5 ePHENIX Review J. Huang 5 IP p/A e-e- e-e- e-going GEMs -4.0 <η<-1 e-going GEMs -4.0 <η<-1 TPC -1 <η<+1 TPC -1 <η<+1 h-going GEMs 1 <η<2 h-going GEMs 1 <η<2 gas RICH 1 <η<4 gas RICH 1 <η<4 Fringe field1.5 T main fieldFringe field Geant4 model of detectors inside field region

6  Good momentum resolution over wide range, -3<η<+4  GEM tracker for forward region ◦ d(rφ) = 100 μm; 50 μm for very forward region  GEM-based TPC for barrel region ◦ 10μs max drift time and no-gate needed ◦ Thin support structure, e.g. fibre-reinforced polymer ePHENIX Review J. Huang 6 Additional dp/p term: dp/p ≲ 3% for 1<η<3 dp/p~10% for η=4 TPC Kinematic e-going GEM Electron ID h-going GEM Hadron PID Main detector: Driving factor: LEGS-TPC, B. Yu, et al., 2005 GEM dp/p~1%×p dp/p~0.1%×p

7  Ideally, magnetic field along z axis for TPCs. B X/Y terms → corrections  Field map can reach quoted uniformity for Babar (±3% for central tracking volume) by some tuning on the yoke  Residual distortion on Rφ should be calibrated and corrected in Reco. ePHENIX Review J. Huang 7 → Field correction ≲ few mm in Rφ Will apply correction in offline analysis

8 ePHENIX Review J. Huang 8 dp/p/p<0.2% Good for RICH Using φ segmented GEM with resolution of R Δφ = 50μm GEM Station2 GEMs Station1 GEM Station4 GEM Station3 Magnetic bending Track of η=2.0, p=30 GeV Tracker layout for max sensitivity Track of p=30 GeV Field, along track and total field Field, ⊥ track

9 ePHENIX Review J. Huang 9 p, 250 GeV/c e -, 10 GeV/c DIS e - IP Detailed material map based on NIM papers

10 ePHENIX Review J. Huang 10 dp/p ~ (Multiple scattering term) + (Tracker resolution term)*p Tracker resolution term, 1< η <2.5: d(Sagitta 2 ) = 120μm for 100 μm tracker resolution 2.5< η <4: d(Sagitta 2 ) = 60μm for 50 μm tracker resolution Multiple scattering term Displayed without RICH With RICH tank (2/3 of tracks): ~20% (rel.) worse With RICH tank + Readout (1/3 of tracks): ~50% (rel.) worse

11 ePHENIX Review J. Huang 11 dp/p ~ (Multiple scattering term) + (Tracker resolution term)*p Tracker resolution term 2.5< η <4: d(Sagitta 2 ) = 60μm for 50 μm tracker resolution Multiple scattering term Without RICH 20% worse with RICH tank RICH readout is away from this region

12  Evaluated using EICroot by EIC taskforce using ePHENIX tracking bare-bone setup and field  Consistent with my study in general ePHENIX Review J. Huang 12 Full resolution from Kalman filter Quadrature sum of two terms Multiple scattering term ~ 11% (w/o RICH) Multiple scattering term ~ 11% (w/o RICH) Tracker resolution term d(1/p) ~ 0.7%/GeV Tracker resolution term d(1/p) ~ 0.7%/GeV dp/p Resolution at η = 4.0

13 ePHENIX Review J. Huang 13  Field calculated numerically with field return  Field lines mostly parallel to tracks in the RICH volume with the yoke  We can estimate the effect through field simulations A RICH Ring: Photon distribution due to tracking bending only R Dispersion ΔR <2.5 mrad Dispersion ΔR <2.5 mrad R < 52 mrad for C 4 F 10 RICH EMCal η~1 η~4 Aerogel track

14 Quantify ring radius error In the respect of PID: minor effect ePHENIX Review J. Huang 14 Ring radius ± 1σ field effect (for worst η=1) πKp Field effect has very little impact for PID

15  ePHENIX field design is based on BaBar coil ◦ Benefit for forward tracking ◦ Ownership officially transferred to BNL  Yoke designed around the coil ◦ Optimizing tracking resolution ◦ Reducing field effect in RICH and TPC ◦ Use iron-scintillator sample calorimeter as majority part of return yoke  Detector performance studied with numerical field calculation ◦ Tracking resolution : Good enough for ePHENIX physics ◦ Field distortion to gas RICH is minor ◦ Field distortion for TPC can be calibrated corrected ePHENIX Review J. Huang 15

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