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A CHALLENGE TO OUR VALUES KP Gill, Dana Richio, Andrew Grove.

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Presentation on theme: "A CHALLENGE TO OUR VALUES KP Gill, Dana Richio, Andrew Grove."— Presentation transcript:

1 A CHALLENGE TO OUR VALUES KP Gill, Dana Richio, Andrew Grove

2 Summaries  KP’s essay is about how she had always believed in God since childhood but that value got challenged when her dad got diagnosed with TB on Christmas. She started to lose faith in God during this time of turmoil.  Andrew’s essay is how his faith and love for baseball was challenged and rewarded.  Dana’s essay is about how she had never paid attention to the world around her but learned from 9/11 and her experience with the military to value her nation and have patriotism.

3 Structure  KP’s essay started off with the narrative of what happened and toward the end gave an explanation of the value being challenged.  Andrew’s essay started off with a lot of background information but it all leads up to one point where it all made sense.  Dana’s essay was a chronological based story about how she came to believe what she believes.

4 Multimedia  KP did a PowerPoint with pictures and effects in order to illustrate her essay clearly.  Andrew did an animated prezi with a title, quote, and picture on each slide.  Dana did a PowerPoint presentation showing pictures that pointed out the major parts of her story.

5 Feelings about value  KP felt a really strong connection with God initially and had lost it during the time her dad was in the hospital on Christmas but regained her faith when basically a Christmas miracle happened so til this day she strongly believes in God.  Andrew although my values were challenged on a rollercoaster of actions. He learned that everything happens for a reason and “For with God, Nothing is impossible” Luke 1:37  Dana felt like it was her responsibility to fight for her country and give back but realized that she couldn't’t and that other people would help and that she should just stand behind them and value what they’re doing.

6 Knowing what we know about each other’s values, how we will organize ourselves into a learning community?  Learn to accept others values and learn from others why they believe in what they feel strongly about  Andrew will learn that everything in life may not go as planned but he’s learned to play the cards he’s been dealt.  Know that others values may be different than yours, but that doesn’t mean yours are any better than the next persons.

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