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The Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): Crossing the Bridge to the Future Crossing the Bridge to the Future The Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): Crossing the Bridge to the Future.

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Presentation on theme: "The Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): Crossing the Bridge to the Future Crossing the Bridge to the Future The Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): Crossing the Bridge to the Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): Crossing the Bridge to the Future Crossing the Bridge to the Future The Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): Crossing the Bridge to the Future Crossing the Bridge to the Future Regina Romano Reynolds ISSN Coordinator U.S. ISSN Center Library of Congress Regina Romano Reynolds ISSN Coordinator U.S. ISSN Center Library of Congress

2 ISSN = Identification a simpler task in the print environment

3 ??? Identification In the e-environmentIdentification e-environment E-commercetransactions ERMS Multiple Formats Library catalogs: single Vs. multiple records Open URL Linking

4 “Multiple ISSN Problem” One ISSN for the print publication One ISSN for the CD-ROM One ISSN for the online version Libraries, publishers, ISSN centers were using ISSN differently Search failures; OpenURL failures

5 Picture here to illustrate the digital world ISSN-L: Response to the Challenges of the Digital World 5

6 Revision of the ISSN Standard (ISO 3297) 2004-2007 Revision of the ISSN Standard (ISO 3297) 2004-2007

7 A separate ISSN for each version? A single ISSN to identify all versions?

8 Revised ISSN International Standard ISO 3297: 2007 published August 2007

9 Revised ISSN Standard (ISO 3297: 2007) Affirmed:  separate medium-specific ISSN Added:  Linking ISSN (ISSN-L)  represents all related medium-specific ISSN

10 ISSN designated by the ISSN Network to enable collocation or linking among the different versions of a continuing resource The Linking ISSN (ISSN-L)

11 Medium-specific Identification Used for specific “product” identification  Library ordering, claiming, check-in  Publisher pricing  Subscription agencies  EAN bar code  Copyright Clearance Center


13 EAN for a French Serial

14 Medium-Neutral Identification/Collocation OpenURL resolution regardless of multiple ISSN for manifestations Grouping of all versions in ERMS OPAC searching to retrieve all manifestations All situations where identification without regard to medium is desired

15 Eye-readable, printable ISSN-L: ISSN-L 0251-1479

16 ISSN 1234-567X (print) ISSN 0432-7654 (online) ISSN-L 0432-7654 ISSN 1234-567X (print) ISSN 0432-7654 (online) ISSN-L 0432-7654 Journal of Bridge Design & Construction Vol. 5, no. 6 June, 2008

17 ISSN-L and MARC 21 MARC 21 022 $l (ISSN-L) MARC 21 022 $m ( cancelled ISSN-L)

18 022 0 $a 0021-8464 $l 0021-8464 222 04 The journal of adhesion &b (Print) Record for print Record for online 022 0 $a 1563-518X $l 0021-8464 222 04 The journal of adhesion &b (Online) Record for CD-ROM 022 0 $a 1026-5414 $l 0021-8464 222 04 The journal of adhesion &b (CD-ROM) ISSN-L

19 How Does ISSN-L Get Assigned? ISSN-L is added to 022 $l on entry into the ISSN Register, Paris (programmatically) ISSN of first medium version entered into the ISSN Register = ISSN-L Applies to all resources: whether published in one medium or more, current or ceased In 2008, all records then in ISSN Register were allocated ISSN-L (lowest ISSN from the cluster linked via 776 field)

20 Can ISSN-L Be Predicted? Depends on which ISSN record is processed first in Paris Different medium versions can be published in different countries No

21 ISSN-L is a separate data element. Store ISSN-L separately from ISSN in knowledge bases and systems. Storing ISSN-L in Systems

22 Embedding ISSN-L DOI doi:10.1038/issnl.0028-0826 OpenURL http://…&rft.issnl=0028-0826& As illustrated in ISO 3297

23 Major Title Changes If titles of all versions change at once (most common situation):  A new group of ISSN is assigned  The first-assigned is the Linking ISSN If all do not change at once, any new titles “inherit” the ISSN-L of the unchanged titles Now handled programmatically in Paris

24 No separate metadata record for ISSN-L

25 How to obtain ISSN-L

26 Free ISSN-LTables* ISSNISSN-L 0021-8464 1563-51840021-8464 1026-54140021-8464 ISSN-L ISSN … 0021-8464 1563-51841026-5414… * “artist’s conception”


28 CAUTION: If incorrect ISSN are in 022 $a of your database records, matches will fail or incorrect ISSN-L will be added

29 ISSN-L and FRBR What FRBR Group 1 entity does ISSN-L identify? --work? --expression? --manifestation? --item

30 Examples of ISSN-L Use

31 Population of WorldCat with ISSN-L Spring 2010: ISSN-L added to ca. 1 million records ½ million additional records to be updated in a project during Summer 2010 ISSN-L data to be updated periodically

32 ISSN-L in a WorldCat record American journal of agricultural Economics (Online)

33 National Library of Medicine National Library of Medicine

34 All relevant ISSN including Linking ISSN

35 Print ISSN and Linking ISSN both Included in MEDLINE Citation

36 PEPRS Project U.K. E-journals preservation registry project partnering with ISSN Network ISSN-L is the matching key: supports aggregation of data from various sources ISSN-L ensures matches regardless of data which version’s ISSN (“p” or “e”) used

37 Linking ISSN

38 Your Input: Currently, ISSN-L automatically assigned in Paris, a week+ after U.S. assignment Do publishers want to receive ISSN + ISSN-L together? Do publishers intend to print ISSN-L? Is waiting an extra week ok? Alternatively, the U.S. can explore designating the ISSN-L in select cases

39 ISSN News Integrating resources pilot project: testing new eligibility guidelines ISSN Network informal test of RDA ISSN policy for “electronic archives,” (digitized print issues) is under development

40 Thank you!

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